LIBELLULA VARIEGATA.Plate XLVI. fig. 1. Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach. Genus. Libellula, Linn. &c. Libellula Variegata. Alis flavis fusco maculatis et undulatis, posticis versus apicem macul magn fuscÂ, puncto flavo; apice albo. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc.) Syn. Libellula variegata, Linn. Am. Acad. 6. 412. 86. Syst. Nat. 1. 2. 904. 18. Libellula Histrio, Fabr. Mant. Ins. 1. 337. 24. 10. Libellula Indica, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 376. GuÉrin Icon. R. An. Ins. pl. 60. fig. 1. Libellula Arria, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: China, India. Front of the head black. Eyes contiguous. Thorax and abdomen black. Anterior wings transparent for about two-fifths next the extremities, having a small black streak on the anterior edges near the tips; the remaining part of these wings dark yellow, with a broad, irregular, dark brown bar crossing the middle, and a spot of the same colour placed between that and the body. Posterior wings very deep, and of the same dark yellow with the anterior, except the tips, which are transparent; and joining thereto is a large dark brown patch, with an oval yellow spot near its centre: an irregular, waved, dark brown bar runs along the posterior edges, beginning at the abdominal corners and ending about the middle of the wings: another waved bar runs along the anterior edges, beginning at the body and ending also at the middle of the wings; the extremities of the two bars nearly meeting, or joining together. LIBELLULA FULVIA.Plate XLVI. fig. 2. Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach. Genus. Libellula, Linn. &c. Libellula Fulvia. Luteo-testacea; alis fulvescentibus strig subcostali basali fusc stigmateque fusco. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 4½ lin.) Syn. Libellula Fulvia, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: China. Front of the head dark yellow. Eyes contiguous. Thorax and abdomen tawny orange, the former being of a pale clay colour underneath. Wings dark tawny orange; and on the anterior edges of each, next the body, runs a narrow dark brown streak, about half an inch long: on the same edges also, near the tips, is another small streak, appearing of a dark brown colour when the insect is placed on a white ground, but when placed on a dark one is of a light clay colour: the posterior edges, next the abdominal corners, are also dark brown. LIBELLULA TULLIA.Plate XLVI. fig. 3. Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach. Genus. Libellula, Auct. Libellula Tullia. Coeruleo-nigra, alarum dimidio basali fusco, apice cinerascenti-hyalino stigmate nigro. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. Libellula Tullia, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: Bombay. Head black. Eyes contiguous. Thorax and abdomen black; but when the insect was living, were probably mazarine blue. About three-fifths of the wings, next the body, are of a very dark brown; the remainder being grey, almost transparent, with a small streak on the anterior edges of each, near the tips. LESTES PAULINA.Plate XLVI. fig. 4. Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach. Subfamily: Agrionides. Genus. Lestes, Leach. Libellula p. Drury. Lestes Paulina. Thorace griseo, lineis nigris, abdomine nigro griseo annulato; alis hyalinis apice fuscis, stigmate nigro. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 6 lin.) Syn. Libellula Paulina, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: Bay of Honduras. Head black. Eyes distant. AntennÆ very short and thick. Thorax grey, and striped obliquely on the sides with black. Abdomen black, long, and slender; each articulation being grey. Legs grey, being striped at top with black. Wings transparent, except at the tips, where they are of a very dark brown; having a small black spot placed on the anterior edges of each near their extremities. |