PHASMA (PLATYCRANA) JAMAICENSIS.Plate XLIX. fig. 1. Order: Orthoptera. Section: Cursoria. Family: PhasmidÆ. Genus. Phasma, Fabr. Mantis, Drury. Subgenus: Platycrana, Gray. Phasma (Platycrana) Jamaicensis. Linearis viridis, alis pallidÈ roseis cost tenui viridi. (Long. Corp. 3 unc. 6 lin.) Syn. Mantis Jamaicensis, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 15. 11. (Mantis J.) Gray Syn. Phasm. p. 38. (Platycrana J.) Habitat: Jamaica. Head green. Eyes small and black. AntennÆ filiform and long. Thorax and abdomen green, long, and slender. Tegmina very small, and striped with green, the anterior edges being yellow. Wings very thin and membraneous, being of a pale blush or pink colour; but along the anterior edges are thick and green. Legs green; but at the articulations are of a yellowish hue. Femora furnished with spines; those on the fore ones being smallest. Tarsi of the ordinary form. MANTIS CINGULATA.Plate XLIX. fig. 2. Order: Orthoptera. Section: Cursoria. Family: MantidÆ. Genus. Mantis, Linn. &c. Mantis Cingulata. Luteo-fusca, elytris subolivaceis maculis duabus obliquis discoidalibus, alis fuscis basi et versus apicem pallidioribus, abdomine pallido nigro annulato. (Long. Corp. 2 unc. 9 lin.) Syn.. Mantis Cingulata, Drury, App. vol. 2. Mantis Domingensis, Pal. Beauv. Ins. d'Afr. et d'Amer. Orthopt. pl. 12. f. 2.? Habitat: Jamaica. Head brown yellow. Eyes rounded, and distant. AntennÆ (in Drury's specimen) wanting. Thorax long and slender, flat at bottom and rounded at top. Tegmina pale greenish colour, with a nerve running down the middle like the leaf of a tree, extending, when closed, the length of the abdomen, being margined along the edges. Wings very thin and brown; but along the anterior edges thick and yellow. Abdomen yellowish, with black rings, and broad at the middle, but narrow where it joins the thorax. Fore legs yellow brown, with a black spot at the tips of the femora on the inner side. Trochanters flat and thin. Femora furnished with two rows of spines, and a groove between them to receive the tibiÆ, which are furnished at the extremity with a strong spine bending inwardly, and likewise on each side with a row of small and shorter spines, regularly placed and very even. From this articulation proceed the slender tarsi, the first joint being the longest. The middle legs have a small flap, or membrane, placed near the tips of the tibiÆ, on the first articulation of the bearers; with two small spines at the joints of the same articulations, both of these and the hinder legs. |