LOCUSTA CŒRULEA.Plate XLII. fig. 1. Order: Orthoptera. Section: Saltatoria. Family: LocustidÆ. Genus. Locusta. Acrydium, Latr. Œdipoda, Serv. Locusta Coerulea. ObscurÈ viridis, alis posticis hyalinis coeruleis, angulo externo nigro, femoribus medio flavis. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Gryllus coeruleus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: Calabar, Western Coast of Africa, 6° North L. Head dark dirty green. AntennÆ ——? Thorax dirty green and smooth, without any tubercles. Tegmina dark green, and opake. Wings thin and blue; the tips being much darker. Abdomen dark green. Legs the same, the hinder femora striped on the outside with yellow and light green, but on the inside entirely yellow; the tips being black. LOCUSTA (RUTIDODERES) MILES.Plate XLII. fig. 2. Order: Orthoptera. Section: Saltatoria. Family: GryllidÆ (Locustaires), Latr. &c. Genus. Locusta. Gryllus (Locusta), Linn. &c. Acrydium, Latr. Subgenus: Rutidoderes, Westw. Locusta (Rutidoderes) Miles. Fusca, capitis lineis duabus marginalibus margineque postico thoracis flavis, elytris brunneis, alis nigris maculis duabus magnis sanguineis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. Gryllus Miles, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: Bay of Honduras, America. Head green. Face striped on each side with yellow. AntennÆ black. Thorax dark green; posterior edges yellow. Abdomen black, but when the insect was living, probably green. Tegmina entirely red brown. Wings black, with a scarlet patch near the tips, running from the anterior almost GRYLLUS (GRYLLACRIS) TESSELATUS.Plate XLII. fig. 3. Order: Orthoptera. Section: Saltatoria. Family: GryllidÆ. Genus. Gryllus (Locusta), Latreille. Subgenus: Gryllacris, Serville. Gryllus (Gryllacris) Tesselatus. Fusco-fulvescens, alis diaphanis nigro undique tesselatis. (Expans. elytr. 2 unc. 6 lin. Alar. 3 unc.) Syn. Gryllus tesselatus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Gryllacris maculicollis ?? Serville Revis. Orthopt. p. 42. Habitat: Island of Johanna, near Madagascar. General colour brownish yellow. Head smooth. Eyes rather prominent and dark brown, with a whitish streak between them. AntennÆ the length of the insect. Mouth furnished with four palpi, knobbed at the extremities. Thorax margined, and a little indented. Scutellum, which is not seen when the wings are closed, whiteish and triangular. Tegmina thin, and full of tendons. Wings nearly diaphanous, and prettily speckled with cross marks in a zigzag manner. Legs strong; the hinder ones formed for leaping. TibiÆ armed with spines, pointing downwards; those on the hinder ones being shortest. Abdomen very singularly formed, the last segment terminating in a kind of horny beak which curls inwards, but widens and expands at the extremity, so as to appear like a knob or club; and close above it, but on the upper part of the abdomen, are four filaments about the size of the antennÆ; two of them being longer than the other, extending to the very extremity of this part. (See Fig. IV.) The antennÆ in this subgenus are of very great length, being many times longer than the whole body. The specimen, therefore, figured by Drury was evidently mutilated in these organs. |