

Plate XLI. fig. 1.

Order: Orthoptera. Section: Saltatoria. Family: LocustidÆ.

Genus. Locusta. Gryllus (Locusta) Linn. Gryllus, Fabr. Subgenus: Locusta proper. Œdipoda, Serv.

Locusta Obscura. Thorace lÆvi; elytris fuscis; alis disco rubro, fasci nigrÂ, apice hyalinÂ. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Gryllus obscurus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 2. 701. 50. De Geer Ins. 3. 492. 8. t. 41. f. 4. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 58. 47.

Habitat: Cape Coast, Africa.

AntennÆ brown and filiform, the length of the thorax. Head clay-coloured, rounded. Thorax smooth, brown, and angulated. Tegmina clay-coloured. Wings next the body red, and surrounded with a broad black bar running up to the anterior edge, the tips being transparent. Legs clay-coloured. Hinder femora broad, and prettily chequered on the outside, the inside being black. Posterior tibiÆ red and spined.


Plate XLI. fig. 2.

Order: Orthoptera. Section: Saltatoria. Family: GryllidÆ (Locustaires, Latr. &c.)

Genus. Gryllus. Sect. Gryllus (Tettigonia), Linn. Locusta, Latr. Subgenus. Phylloptera, Serv.

Gryllus (Phyllopterus) Myrtifolius. Thorace subtetragono, lÆvi; alis deflexis elytris longioribus, oviductu brevissimo recurvo. (Expans. tegm. 1 unc. 6 lin. Alar. 2 unc.)

Syn. Gryllus Myrtifolius, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 2. 696. 18. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. p. 34. De Geer Mem. vol. 2. pl. 41. f. 2. Stoll. Sauter. pl. a. 5. fig. 16. Serville Revis. Orth. p. 45.

Habitat: New York (Drury). America (Fabr. &c.).

AntennÆ small and filiform. Head dusky yellow. Thorax and abdomen brown, but when the insect was living were probably green; the former has a yellow stripe on each side. Tegmina green, and narrowing towards the tips. Wings thin, transparent, and of a greenish hue. Legs green; the hinder ones being very long, with the tibiÆ spined.


Plate XLI. fig. 3.

Order: Orthoptera. Section: Saltatoria. Family: GryllidÆ (Locustaires, Latr. &c.)

Genus. Locusta. Gryllus (Locusta), Linn. Acrydium, Latr. Subgenus: Rutidoderes, Westw.

Locusta (Rutidoderes) Centurio. PallidÈ olivaceo-fulvescens, elytris nigro numerosÈ punctatis, alis sanguineis margine nigro et interno nigro tesselatis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Gryllus Centurio, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: The Bay of Honduras, America.

Head dusky olive brown. AntennÆ yellow, the tips black. Eyes red brown. Thorax olive brown, having a sharp indented ridge on the top, and one on each side; that on the top being black. Abdomen dark brown. Tegmina pale olive, spotted all over with darker spots of various shapes. Wings scarlet; the edges, except the abdominal, black; which, at the tips, and along the external edges, forms a kind of lattice work, breaking in upon the black division. Legs yellowish brown, the hinder tibiÆ being spinose; tarsi with a cup-like pulvillus between the claws.

Gryllus reticulatus (Fabr. sp. Ins. 1. p. 362. No. 7.) figured by Donovan in his Insects of India, Pl. 12. Fig. 1., and said to be from Bengal, is very closely allied to, if indeed it be not identical with, the species here figured.


Plate XLI. fig. 4.

Order: Orthoptera. Section: Saltatoria. Family: GryllidÆ (Locustaires, Latr. &c.)

Genus. Locusta. Gryllus (Locusta), Linn. Acrydium, Latr. Subgenus: Phymateus, Thunberg.

Locusta (Phymatea) Punctata. Thorace verrucoso atro, elytris atris flavo punctatis, alis atris, abdomine rufo annulato. (Long. Corp. cum alis claus. 2 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. Gryllus punctatus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 51. 19. Thunberg Mem. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb. p. 258. Stoll. Sauter. pl. 7. b. f. 24. A. Donovan Ins. India, pl. 12. fig. 2.

Habitat: East India.

AntennÆ black, and longer than the thorax. Eyes small, round, and red brown. Head black at top, the middle being yellow; the lower part, with the mouth, black. Thorax rough and margined, full of spines and tubercles, both at top and on the sides; the former being black, the latter yellow. Breast black. Abdomen the same, ringed with red. Tegmina black, prettily spotted with yellow; the spots next the tips being smallest. Wings entirely black. Anus red. Legs black; the hinder thighs being marked on the outside with yellow.


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