

Plate XL. fig. 1.

Order: Orthoptera. Section: Saltatoria. Family: LocustidÆ.

Genus. Truxalis, Fabr. Gryllus P. Drury.

Truxalis Brasiliensis. Elytris pallide fulvescentibus, vitt longitudinali medi virescenti, nigro irregulariter marginatÂ, alis hyalinis dimidio anali roseo. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. Gryllus brasiliensis, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Rio Janeiro, Brazil.

Head long, conical; the mouth seeming placed in the breast. Eyes oblong, situated at the upper part near the extremity of the head; there is also an ocellus placed between them on the under side, which is observable in all those whose heads are shaped like this. AntennÆ as long as the head, and shaped like a three-edged sword. Thorax striped with green, brown, and white. Abdomen light brown, and streaked with black at top, but on the sides white. Tegmina light sand-coloured; having in the middle a narrow longitudinal line, indented with green and black. Wings transparent, and prettily dappled; being of a beautiful red colour next the body, which becomes fainter as it approaches the disk of the wings. Hind legs long, and formed for leaping; the others are short. TibiÆ furnished with sharp spines.

Fabricius refers this figure to the Truxalis nasutus Linn. which is found in Africa, and Mr. Smeathman also informed Mr. Drury that the species here figured is found in Africa, in the savannahs, and that its flight is very rapid. I have considered them on the contrary as specifically distinct.


Plate XL. fig. 2.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: Longilabres, Latr. Scutati, Burm.

Genus. Phloea, St. Farg. & Serv., Lap. Cimex, Drury. Phloeocoris, Burmeister.

Phloea Corticata. Supra grisea, tuberculis multis rufo-fuscis subnitidis adspersa, subtus nigra appendiculis marginalibus griseis, laciniis capitis convergentibus. (Long. Corp. 11 lin.)

Syn. Cimex corticatus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Laporte Hemipt. p. 56. (Phloea c.) Burmeister Rh. 2. 371. 1. (Phloeocoris c.) GuÉrin Icon. R. An. Ins. 55. f. 5.

Phloea cassidoides, St. F. & Serv. Enc. MÉth. 10. p. 111.

Aradus laminatus, Kirby & Spence Introd. to Ent. 3. 617. & 718.

Habitat: Brazil.

Body exceedingly thin and flat in proportion to its breadth. Head triangular. AntennÆ about one-fourth the length of the insect; the extremities being a little thicker than the other parts. Eyes small and round. Rostrum extending to the middle of the abdomen. All the parts exhibited in the plate are of a sandy olive colour, and serve as a shield or covering to the thorax, abdomen, legs, &c. which are hid beneath it. Scutellum large and triangular. Hemelytra entirely opaque and small, not covering the abdomen by a considerable space. Wings membranous. Legs smooth and dappled.


Plate XL. fig. 3.

Order: Hymenoptera. Section: Fossores. Family: ScoliidÆ.

Genus. Scolia, Fabr. Latr. &c.

Scolia Flavifrons? Atra, fronte flavÂ, abdomine maculis quatuor flavis. (Long. Corp. fere 2 unc.)

Syn. Scolia flavifrons, Fabr. Syst. Piez. 229. No. 5.

Sphex maculata, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Coast of the Morea.

Head brown orange-coloured. Eyes oblong and dark brown. AntennÆ thickest towards their extremities. Ocelli distinct. Mouth black, furnished with two jaws, but having neither tongue nor palpi. Thorax black, with a brown orange spot on the top, and two others next the head. Abdomen black and hairy; the second and third segments having two orange spots on them; the fourth, fifth, and sixth being ringed with orange. Under side black, with some orange hairs near the anus. Wings plain and flat, not folded, of a yellowish colour, and almost diaphanous. Legs black and hairy. Tarsi and articulations furnished with strong hairs and spines, which entirely surround them.


Plate XL. fig. 4.

Order: Hymenoptera. Section: Pupivora. Family: EvaniidÆ?

Genus. Pelecinus, Fabr. Latr. Ichneumon, Drury.

Pelecinus Politurator. Niger, antennis annulo medio albo, tibiis posticis sericeo-dilatatis. (Long. Corp. 2 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Ichneumon Polyturator (errore pro politurator), Drury, App. vol. 2.

Pelecinus Polycerator, Fabr. Syst. Piez. 111. 1. Say American Entomology, vol. 1. pl. XV.

Habitat: Jamaica (Drury). "Not uncommon in various parts of the United States" (Say). India (Fabricius, incorrectly).

Head small and black. Eyes oblong and dark brown. AntennÆ black and filiform, having two yellow spots on them near their extremities. Ocelli distinct. Mouth with two jaws, but no tongue, and furnished with four palpi, two of which are long, slender, and filiform; the others are very short. Thorax black like pitch, and shining, as if finely polished; as is every part of the insect. Abdomen exceeding long and black, consisting of six articulations; the last being very short and pointed. Legs small and black; the hinder tibiÆ being remarkably thick and strong in proportion to the other parts.

The late lamented Mr. Say, who may justly be regarded as the LinnÆus of America, says of this truly singular insect, that its flight is slow and awkward, and when taken it endeavours to force the point of the abdomen through the skin of the hand, but its strength is not adequate to the task. The whole abdomen resembles a much elongated pedicle, from which the abdomen itself, or dilated portion, has been accidentally removed.


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