NYMPHALIS CÆNIS ?.Plate XIX. fig. 1, 2. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swains. Genus. Nymphalis, Schrank. Latr. God. Boisd. Papilio (Dan. Cand.), Linn, &c. Nymphalis CÆnis. Alis subrotundatis albis, margine postico et ante hunc marginem line angulat maculisque nigris; subtus omnibus strig communi brunneÂ. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Dan. Cand.) CÆnis, Drury, App. vol. 2. Encycl. MÉth. ix. p. 142. No. 85. (Pieris C.) Nymphalis amphiceda, Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. 113. No. 348. ?. Cramer, pl. 146. D. E. Enc. MÉth. ix. 384. 113. Habitat: Calabar, Africa. Upper Side. AntennÆ black. Eyes red brown. Thorax greenish. Abdomen sooty brown. Wings white, having a narrow border running along the external edges of a soot brown; over which is an indented, angulated, black line, appearing in some places like two points of arrows united. Along the anterior edges of the anterior wings also runs an exceeding narrow black line. Under Side. Palpi, breast, sides, and legs white. Wings white; being divided as it were by a brown line, which, beginning near the middle of the anterior edges of the anterior wings, and crossing them and the posterior, meets near the abdominal corners. The inner part of the division having many brown lines thereon, shaped like angles, circles, &c. A faint angulated brown line runs along the external edges of all the wings; whereon are some short faint brown streaks placed on the upper angles. The wings are a little dentated. NYMPHALIS MELICERTA.Plate XIX. fig. 3, 4. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swains. Genus. Nymphalis, Latr. God. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.), Linn. Drury. Nymphalis Melicerta. Alis denticulatis utrinque fusco-nigris, fasci lat strigisque albis, anticarum basi macul cuneiformi albÂ. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.) Melicerta, Drury, App. vol. 2. Herbst. Pap. tab. 238. f. 5. 6. Nymphalis Melinoe, Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 432. No. 261. Papilio Blandina, Cramer, pl. 237. fig. E. F. Habitat: Sierra Leone. Upper Side. AntennÆ black. Thorax and abdomen dark brown. Anterior wings sooty brown, with two white narrow lines running along the external edges. From the shoulders runs a long white streak to the middle of the wing, and a small one at the end of it; where are also six other white streaks placed transversely, one of which is very small. Posterior wings sooty brown, having the two narrow lines continued along the external edges from the anterior wings. A broad straight white bar crosses these Under Side. Palpi, breast, sides, and legs ash-coloured; all the white parts appearing broader and larger on this side than on the upper; the lines along the external edges are broader, and the dark parts of the wings have a few whitish marks on them that are not seen on the other side. The wings are a little dentated. The Melicerta of Fabricius and the EncyclopÉdie MÉthodique appears to be a distinct species, having the base of the anterior wings spotted with white. I have restored Drury's name to the present insect, as it has the priority. ANTHOCARIS ARETHUSA.Plate XIX. fig. 5, 6. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: PapilionidÆ, Leach. Genus. Anthocaris, Boisduval. Pieris, Latr. &. God. Papilio (Dan. Cand.) Drury. Anthocaris Arethusa. Alis rotundatis integerrimis albidis; supra anticis apice maculÂque, posticis strig incurv punctisque marginalibus fuscis; anticarum subtus apice fulvo. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 10 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Dan. Cand.) Arethusa, Drury, Append. vol. 2. Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lepidopt. 1. p. 582. (Anthocaris A.) Pieris Amytis, Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 123. (Exclus. Syn. Crameri.) Pieris Evippe, ?. Enc. MÉth. Sup. p. 805. Habitat: Sierra Leone. Upper Side. AntennÆ brown. Head, thorax, and abdomen dark brown. Anterior wings white, brown at the base; having a small black round spot near the centre of each; the tips are dark brown, occupying a third of the wings; near the middle of the posterior edges is a brown patch, and a small round spot at the lower corners. Posterior wings white, but clouded a little near the body. Along the external edges are placed five brown spots, that next the upper corners being double: also a brown line, like an obtuse angle, begins on the anterior edges, and ends just below the body. Under Side. Palpi, breast, and legs ash-coloured. Anterior wings white, whereof the tips are orange-coloured, verged with yellow; on each wing are two black spots, one being very small and answering to that on the upper side; the other larger, and placed near the posterior edges. Posterior wings pale yellow, with an exceeding small spot, surrounded with orange colour, placed near the middle of each; the brown obtuse angle appears faintly on this side, but of an orange colour. All the wings are entire. |