SATURNIA MYLITTA.Plate V. fig. 1. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: BombycidÆ, Steph. Genus. Saturnia, Schrank. Attacus, Germar. PhalÆna (Attacus), Linn. Saturnia Mylitta. Alis cervino-fulvis, strig ferrugine submarginali ocelloque fenestrato, in medio line diviso. (Expans. Alar. 6 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. PhalÆna (Attacus) Mylitta, Drury, App. vol. 2. Oliv. Enc. MÉth. 5. 26. 9. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. 411. No. 11. Gmel. Linn. S. N. 2403. 463. PhalÆna Paphia, Cramer, t. 146. f. A. Habitat: Bengal. Upper Side. AntennÆ pectinated, reddish fox-coloured. Neck grey. Thorax and abdomen greyish yellow. Wings reddish fox-coloured, having a round transparent eye in the middle of each; those in the superior being largest. These eyes are encircled with a narrow yellow edging, then with a greyish band, and lastly with a narrow black line; the transparent pupil appearing as if a fine hair crossed it. The anterior edges of the superior wings have a grey margin from the shoulders almost to the tips, where the reddish colour is paler than on the rest of the wing. A narrow dark line begins near the tips, and runs along the external edges to the lower corners, which is continued along the external edges of the posterior wings to the abdominal corners. On these wings a faint arched line of a dark colour is observable over each eye. Under Side. Breast, feet, and abdomen grey. The wings greyish brown; eyes appearing as on the upper side. A faint dark-coloured bar, beginning at the anterior edges of the anterior wings, and running across the lower parts of the eyes, is continued along the posterior ones; where it crosses the middle of the eyes, and ends at the abdominal edges below the body. All the wings are entire; the superior ones being arched, or hooked at the tips. NOCTUA? SPECIOSA.Plate V. fig. 2. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: NoctuidÆ? Steph. Genus. Noctua? Auct. Noctua? Speciosa. Fulva, alis anticis medio, posticisque albidis, illarum basi fulvo, maculis 6 parvis nigris, dimidio apicali obscuriori. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) Speciosa, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: Sierra Leone. Upper Side. AntennÆ black, setaceous. Tongue long and spiral. Head, neck, thorax, and abdomen yellow. Anterior wings pale clay-coloured; but next the shoulders yellow, gradually changing to a white towards the middle of the wings, and occupying almost half of them; each wing having six small black spots on the yellow part, three being placed on the anterior edge, and the other three near the shoulder, where likewise is another small spot. Posterior wings white, immaculate. Under Side. Palpi long and yellow at the base, but the ends are black and filiform. Legs white, striped with brown. Breast and abdomen white. Anterior wings with the tips pale clay-coloured, as on the upper side; all the remaining part being white. A small black bar begins about the middle of This and several nearly allied species of tropical moths constitute a very distinct subgenus characterized by the prevailing colour, the spots at the base of the wings, the elongated palpi, and the peculiar neuration of the anterior wings. I have not, however, ventured to propose the establishment of a subgenus for them. They appear in some respects to be allied to the genus Leucania. CALLIMORPHA? PYLOTIS.Plate V. fig. 3. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: LithosiidÆ, Steph. Genus. Callimorpha? Latr. Setina p. Schr. PhalÆna (Bombyx), Drury. Callimorpha? Pylotis. Alis atro-coeruleis, anticis fasci lat medi albÂ. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 6 lin.) Syn. PhalÆna (Bombyx) Pylotis, Drury, App. vol. 2. Oliv. Enc. MÉth. 5. 99. No. 255. Fabr. Sp. Ins. No. 263. Syst. Ent. 585. PhalÆna cribraria, Clerck. Ins. 54. f. 4. Habitat: Bay of Honduras. Upper Side. AntennÆ black and pectinated. Tongue orange-coloured, and spiral. Head, thorax, and abdomen fine mazarine blue. Anterior wings dark mazarine, having a single white bar running from the middle of the anterior edge to the lower corner. A small part of the cilia at the tips is white, the rest being of the same colour as the wings. Posterior wings of the same colour as the superior, and immaculate, except the cilia, which is entirely white. Under Side. Palpi black. Neck white. Breast and sides mazarine. The legs black and white. Abdomen orange, ringed with mazarine. Wings coloured as on the upper side; but next the body of a finer and stronger blue. The white part of the tips is also stronger and more distinct. The margins of all the wings are entire. |