

Plate II. fig. 1.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: NoctuidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Erebus, Latr. Thysania, Dalm. Noctua, Fabr.

Erebus Hieroglyphicus. Alis dentatis atris; anticis fasci abbreviat albid maculÂque subocellari, posticarum margine bisinuato. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 7 lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) hieroglyphica, Drury, App. vol. 2. Donovan Ins. India, pl. 54. fig. 3. Oliv. Enc. MÉth. 8. 253. 11.

Noctua hieroglyphica, Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 2. p. 11. No. 10.

PhalÆna Magdonia, Cram. Ins. 2. t. 174. f. F.

Habitat: Madras.

Upper Side. AntennÆ setaceous. Tongue spiral. Thorax and abdomen dark brown. Wings beautiful mellow dark brown, or deep chocolate, appearing like velvet. Anterior wings with two long, square, yellow spots on each, joined together at their corners, placed near the tips, and joining to the anterior edges of each wing; and also a rather large central eye, almost joining to the anterior edge; iris black and narrow, the pupil large, and the same colour with the wing. Posterior wings immaculate.

Under Side. Palpi filiform at their extremities, and standing erect over the head. Breast, sides, and abdomen dark brown. Wings dark brown, rather lighter than on the upper side. Anterior with three yellow spots on each. Posterior wings immaculate. All the wings dentated; the scollops of the anterior wings being small, and those of the posterior very large.


Plate II. fig. 2.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: LithosiidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Deiopeia? Steph. PhalÆna (Noctua), Drury.

Deiopeia? Puella. Alis anticis albis, macul parv discoidali nigrÂ, fasciisque 4 transversis rubris, posticis abdomineque carneis. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) Puella, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Madras.

Upper Side. AntennÆ setaceous. Head white. Tongue spiral. Neck red. Thorax red and white. Abdomen grey. Anterior wings white, having a small black central spot in the middle of each, with four narrow red lines crossing them. Posterior wings yellowish flesh-coloured, immaculate.

Under Side. Breast, sides, and abdomen light grey. Anterior wings having the anterior edges tinged with red at the base, the four narrow red lines being faintly seen on this side. Posterior wings coloured as on the upper side.


Plate II. fig. 3.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: NoctuidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Noctua, Auct.

Noctua MyrtÆa. Testacea, alis strigis nonnullis undatis fuscis. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) MyrtÆa, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Madras.

Upper Side. AntennÆ brown and setaceous. Palpi, head, neck, thorax, abdomen, and wings reddish flesh-coloured; the latter having some very faint waved lines crossing them. Cilia dark brown.

Under Side. Breast, sides, legs, and abdomen coloured as on the upper side. Wings yellowish, with many small narrow streaks. On the external edges of the anterior wings is a dark brown patch, near the tips. Cilia dark brown.

I do not know to which of the modern genera of NoctuidÆ this insect belongs.


Plate II. fig. 4.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: ArctiidÆ? Steph.

Genus. Heleona, Swains. (Zool. Illust. N. Ser. 116.) Gymnautocera? GuÉrin. (Mag. d'Entomol. t. 12)

Heleona Papilionaris. Alis albido-flavis; margine venisque dilatatis, ramosis, nigris et versus medium coalitis, maculas albas efformantibus. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) Papilionaris, Drury, App. vol. 2. Cramer, t. 29. fig. A.

PhalÆna venaria, Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 2. p. 156. No. 96. Gmel. Linn. S. N. 2470. No. 701.

Habitat: China (Drury). "In Indis" (Fabr.).

Upper Side. AntennÆ dark blue and pectinated. Tongue spiral. Head, neck, and thorax dark mazarine blue, spotted with white. Abdomen deep blue, with six white rings. Wings black, covered with a number of streaks and spots of a dusky brimstone; those nearest the body being much longer than those next the external edges; where eight of them form a kind of border on each wing, and are all placed on the membranous parts between the nerves. Margins of the wings entire.

Under Side. Breast and sides blue. Legs blue and white. Anterior wings with the anterior edges fine mazarine blue. The remaining parts of all the wings are exactly the same as on the upper side.


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