Trans. Linn. Soc. Vol. 7. Quoted in the British CyclopÆdia of Natural History, Vol. 1. p. 748. Neither in Abbot's figure, nor in my specimens of this larva, is there any appearance of hair upon the body, and it cannot be supposed that a variation in the nature of the food could have the effect of clothing some specimens with hair whilst the rest are naked. Mr. Swainson's figure of Leilus orientalis is incorrect in this respect. Sphinx Vespiformis, an Essay, table opposite p. 31. Anomalie du Genre Urania par M. Boisduval. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1834, p. 248. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. vol. i. Figured by Lewin in his Lepidopt. of New Holland, and republished by GuÉrin Icon. RÈgne. An. Ins. pl. 83. fig. 2. |