DYNASTES CENTAURUS.Plate XXXVI. fig. 1. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: DynastidÆ, MacLeay. Genus. Dynastes, MacLeay. Geotrupes, Fabr. ScarabÆus, Linn. Latr. Dynastes Centaurus. Thoracis cornu incurvo basi dentato apice bifido, capitis recurvato unidentato. (Long. Corp. 2 unc. 6 lin.) Syn. ScarabÆus Centaurus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 1. p. 4. No. 5. Syst. Eleuth. 1. p. 4. No. 5. Oliv. Ent. 1. 3. p. 14. n. 9. t. 11. f. 104. Jablonsk. Nat. Syst. 1. 223. No. 4. t. 2. f. 1. Schon. Syn. Ins. 1. p. 4. No. 10. Scarab. Gideon, Drury, App. vol. 2. (Exclus. Syn. Linn.) Habitat: Sierra Leone (Drury). "In India Orientali, Africa" (Fabricius). Head and thorax black; the latter terminating in a horn near an inch and a half long, standing almost erect, but bending forward and diminishing towards the end, which is forked, having a strong spine on each side of the front near the base. The head is furnished with another horn that inclines backwards towards the other, and at the extremity is curled and pointed, having a square knob placed on each side near the curl. Elytra dark brown, almost black, smooth and shining. TibiÆ armed with spines and hairs. Drury states that this insect was brought from Sierra Leone, and that it lives in the mangrove trees; many specimens having been taken from thence. TRICHIUS FASCIATUS.Plate XXXVI. fig. 2. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: CetoniidÆ. Genus. Trichius, Fabricius. Cetonia p. Oliv. ScarabÆus, p. Linn. Trichius Fasciatus. Niger, flavo-rufo-tomentosus, elytris atris fasciis duabus luteis internÈ confluentibus. (Long. Corp. 7-8 lin.) Syn. ScarabÆus Fasciatus, Linn. Syst. Nat. II. p. 556. Fabricius Ent. Syst. 1. 119. Donovan Brit. Ins. 4. pl. 140. Steph. Illustr. Brit. Ent. Mandibulata, 3. p. 230. Trichius Succinctus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. II. p. 132 (variety). Habitat: Germany, France, England. Head and thorax black, but thickly covered with yellow hairs. The scutellum black and triangular. Elytra tawny yellow, not reaching to the anus; having a black margin, and three large black spots situated on the lateral margin. Abdomen and breast black, and covered with hairs of a very light or pale yellow. Femora and tibiÆ black and hairy. The insect here figured is regarded by most authors as a variety only of the Trichius fasciatus. Fabricius, however, considered it as a distinct species, which he named Trichius succinctus. Dessau also, in the Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles (February 1829), has published some observations, in order to prove the specific distinctness of this and two other species with which it is generally regarded as identical. Its habits are different from those of the other Trichii; being generally found upon flowers, a peculiarity, with which its hirsute body and bee-like appearance apparently offer some indicatorial connexions. It is extremely rare in this country. DYNASTES TITANUS.Plate XXXVI. fig. 3. ?.—4. ?. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: DynastidÆ, MacLeay. Genus. Dynastes, MacLeay. Geotrupes, Fabr. ScarabÆus, Linn. Drury. Dynastes Titanus. Thorace tricorni, intermedio longiori apice bifido, lateralibus subarcuatis acutis, capite mutico. (Long. Corp. cum corn. thorac. 1 unc. 7½ lin.) Syn. Scarab. Titanus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 1. p. 13. No. 36. Syst. El. 1. p. 13. No. 39. Jablonsk. Nat. Syst. 1. p. 282. t. 6. f. 2. ?. Olivier, 1. 3. t. 5. f. 38. ScarabÆus Simson, Drury, App. vol. 2. (Exclus. Syn. Linn.) ScarabÆus major niger tricornis, Sloane Jamaica, vol. 2. t. 237. f. 4. 5. The Great Brown Sawyer, Brown's Jamaica, p. 428. t. 43. f. 6. Habitat: Jamaica. Male. Head black. AntennÆ dark brown. Thorax black, smooth, and shining, and armed with three horns; two of which, being about one-third of an inch in length, are placed on the upper part on each side, lying almost parallel with the body. Beneath these, near the head, rises another from the middle of the thorax, which is a little longer than the two first, bending upwards, and forked at the extremity. Elytra rather rough and furrowed, but shining and black. TibiÆ armed with spines, especially at the extremity, which facilitate the animal in its passage. Abdomen black; anus with a row of light brown hairs. Female. Differs from the male chiefly in the thorax, which is entirely unarmed. Black and shining, but rather less so than the males; and in the front, just above the head, is a small impression. All the under parts of the insect which in the males are black, in this sex are of a dark reddish brown. In other circumstances it resembles the male. DYNASTES GIDEON.Plate XXXVI. fig. 5. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: DynastidÆ, MacLeay. Genus. Dynastes, MacLeay. Geotrupes, Fabr. ScarabÆus, Linn. Drury. Dynastes Gideon. Thoracis cornu incurvo maximo apice bifido, capitis recurvato bifido supra unidentato. (Long. Corp. cum corn. 2 unc. 4½ lin.) Syn. ScarabÆus Gideon, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. II. p. 541. No. 2. Swammerdam Book of Nature, t. 30. f. 2. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 1. p. 4. No. 3. Olivier Ent. 1. 3. p. 14. t. 11. f. 102. ScarabÆus Oromedon, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 1. p. 4. No. 4. (Var. prÆcedentis.) Habitat: East India. General colour dark brown, almost black. Thorax smooth and shining, as if polished, and terminating in a strong thick horn, which inclines forward in a curved position, and is forked at the end. From the head also springs another strong horn, forked at the extremity, which in length corresponds with the first; its outer side being broad and round, but its inner side, or that opposite the other horn, is thin and sharp, having a small swelling in the middle. Elytra smooth and shining, with a narrow margin. Anterior tibiÆ with four teeth; two being at the tip, and two a little above them. The other tibiÆ are furnished with several sharp spines (five or six), chiefly about the tips; which, as noticed in D. Titanus, assist the animal in its passage. Anus not hairy, as in many other species. CYCLOCEPHALA SIGNATA.Plate XXXVI. fig. 6. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: RutelidÆ, MacLeay. Genus. Cyclocephala, Latreille. Chalepus, MacLeay. ScarabÆus, Drury. Cyclocephala Signata. Glabra, pallidÈ lutea, thorace lineis duabus, elytris maculis tribus, duabus aut nullis. (Long. Corp. 7-8 lin.) Syn. Melolontha Signata. Fabricius Syst. Eleuth. II. p. 169. No. 51. Oliv. Ent. 1. 5. t. 4. f. 33. & 36. Herbst. Col. III. p. 79. f. 2. 32. ScarabÆus Amazonus? Drury, App. vol. 2. Sloane Hist. Jamaica, 11. p. 206. 8. t. 237. f. 38. (Exclus. Syn. Linn.) Habitat: Antigua, New York, Virginia, St. Christopher's. Entirely dark dirty straw-coloured. Thorax margined, with two oblong black spots on it. Scutellum triangular. Elytra margined, with two small faint brown spots on each. Abdomen and legs hairy, the former extending beyond the ends of the elytra. Anterior tibiÆ spinose; the internal spur being remarkably long. COPROBIUS TRIANGULARIS.Plate XXXVI. fig. 7. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: ScarabÆidÆ, MacLeay. Genus. Coprobius, Latr. ScarabÆus, Linn. Drury. Ateuchus, Fabr. Coprobius Triangularis. Niger; clypeo bidentato, thoracis margine fulvo obtusÈ angulato, femoribus posticis brunueis. (Long. Corp. fere 6 lin.) Syn. ScarabÆus Triangularis, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 30. No. 122. Syst. Eleuth. 1. p. 63. No. 42. Oliv. Ent. 1. 3. p. 166. t. 15. f. 139. Habitat: Surinam. Head dirty green. Thorax very convex and broad, dark yellow all round the edge, but black in the middle, and of a coppery hue. Elytra black and margined. Abdomen yellow. Anus black. Thighs yellow. TibiÆ and tarsi black. Scutellum obsolete. ONTHOPHAGUS SERRATIPES.Plate XXXVI. fig. 8. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: ScarabÆidÆ, MacLeay. Genus. Onthophagus, Latreille. Copris, Fabricius. ScarabÆus, Drury. Onthophagus Serratipes. Niger, capite lato, abdomine subÆneo, elytris striatis luteo marginatis. (Long. Corp. lin. 5.) Syn. ScarabÆus Serratipes, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: China. Head and thorax black; the former very broad. AntennÆ are black. Abdomen dark green, almost black. Scutellum obsolete. Elytra rather longer than the thorax, furrowed and black, slightly margined; just above which, all round their external edges, they are of a dirty clay colour. Anus the same. |