

Plate XXXIV. fig. 1. ?.—2. ?.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: DynastidÆ.

Genus: Dynastes, MacLeay. Geotrupes, Fabricius. ScarabÆus, Linn. &c.

Dynastes Satyrus. Thorace inermi antice truncato; capitis cornu recurvo capite longiori ?; clypeo tuberculato, thorace plano. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Geotrupes Satyrus, Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 1. 15. No. 49.

ScarabÆus S. Fabr. Spec. Ins. 1. 12. No. 42. Olivier Ent. 13. p. 39. t. 11. f. 94. a. b.

ScarabÆus Jamaicensis, Drury, App. vol. 2. Jablonsky, Nat. S. II. p. 83. No. 68. t. 9. fig. 8. 9. (nec Scar. Jamaicensis, Fabr. Oliv.)

Habitat: New York.

Male. Head black, and furnished with a single horn terminating in a point, and bending backwards, having in front two small protuberances; hairy beneath. Thorax black, shining and margined; the upper part elevated, and appearing almost perpendicular. Elytra margined and furrowed; also black, as is the anus. Abdomen reddish brown, with dark yellow hairs. Thighs brown, almost black; broad, strong, and hairy. Anterior tibiÆ deeply dentated with a strong spine at the tips, and hairy. Middle tibiÆ strong, and very spinose; particularly at the tips, where there are two long ones on each, which are likewise very hairy. Ungues very small. Scutellum triangular and small.

Female. Resembles the male in every part but the thorax and head; the former being quite smooth and convex without any prominence, and the latter, in the room of a horn, has a small protuberance, just discernible by the naked eye.


Plate XXXIV. fig. 3. ?.—4. ?.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: DynastidÆ.

Genus. Dynastes, MacLeay. Geotrupes, Fabricius. ScarabÆus, Linn. &c.

Dynastes AntÆus. Thorace tricorni; cornu intermedio longiori simplici, capite mutico, elytris lÆvissimis. (Long. Corp. fere 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. ScarabÆus AntÆus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 1. p. 12. No. 31. Olivier Ent. 1. 3. 24. No. 23. t. 12. f. 105. & t. 13. f. 124. a. b.

Geotrupes A. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 1. p. 12. No. 36. Pal. Beauv. Ins. d'Afr. et d'Amer. Col. Pl. 1. fig. 5. 6.

Habitat: Jamaica.

Male. Head black, with two small protuberances like teeth in front. Thorax black, smooth, shining, and margined; having three horns on it, each of which is about a third of an inch in length; two of which are placed near the elytra, almost erect, inclining towards each other, but with their points inclining to the wings; the third arises from the front of the thorax, bending backwards in a curved direction. Elytra brown, very smooth, shining, and margined. Scutellum triangular. Abdomen red, brown, and hairy. TibiÆ the same colour, and hairy, all of them being armed with spines, principally about the tips.

Female. Resembles the male in every respect except the horns, which are wanting in that sex.


Plate XXXIV. fig. 5.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: RutelidÆ.

Genus. Pelidnota, MacLeay. ScarabÆus, Linn.

Pelidnota Punctata. Testacea, elytrorum singulo punctis tribus fuscis distantibus. (Long. Corp. fere 1 unc.)

Syn. ScarabÆus Punctatus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. II. p. 557. 76.

Melolontha P. Fabricius Syst. El. II. p. 166. 28. Olivier Ent. 1. 5. p. 22. t. 1. f. 6. a. b. Herbst. Col. III. p. 69. 16. t. 23. f. 6.

Habitat: New York, Virginia, Maryland, Antigua.

Head brown orange; but round the eyes (which are black) and next the thorax of a shining brassy green. Thorax and elytra brown orange, and faintly margined; the former with two small black spots, and the latter with three on each side, one close to the thorax, another near the corner of the wing-cases, and the third in the middle. Scutellum shining bright green. Abdomen and legs greenish black. TibiÆ spinose and denticulated, especially at the tips; the three middle articulations of the tarsi are also furnished with spines.


Plate XXXIV. fig. 6.

Order: Coleoptera Section: Lamellicornes. Family: MelolonthidÆ.

Genus. Areoda, Leach, MacLeay. Melolontha, Fabr. ScarabÆus, Linn.

Areoda Lanigera. Capite thoraceque aureis, elytris luteis, corpore subtus lanato. (Long. Corp. fere 1 unc.)

Syn. ScarabÆus Lanigerus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. II. p. 555. 67.

Melolontha L. Fabr. Syst. El. II. p. 165. 26. Oliv. Ent. 1. 5. p. 21. 17. t. 4. f. 39. a. b. Herbst. Col. III. p. 152. 109. t. 26. f. 8.

Areoda L. MacLeay HorÆ Ent. 1. part 1. p. 158.

Habitat: New York, and other parts of North America.

Head brownish yellow, being divided in the middle by a transverse suture, the front or fore part being margined, and very plain or even; posterior part shining green or pearl colour, according to the various directions in which it is held. Thorax and scutellum of a changeable brown yellow colour. Between the thorax and the elytra is a row of pale yellow or white hairs. Elytra lemon-coloured, surrounded by a very small, narrow, black margin, and minutely punctured. Abdomen shining green black, covered with a multitude of grey hairs. Legs red brown. Anterior tibiÆ broad and thin; being black on the outside, where they are armed with three strong spines or teeth. Intermediate and posterior tibiÆ with two spurs. Ungues remarkably bent and long.


Plate XXXIV. fig. 7. ?.-8. ?.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: DynastidÆ.

Genus. Oryctes, Illiger. Geotrupes, Fabr. ScarabÆus, Linn.

Oryctes Nasicornis. Thorace prominenti triplici, capitis cornu recurvo, elytris lÆvibus. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. ScarabÆus Nasicornis, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 11. p. 544. No. 15. Oliv. Ent. 1. 3. p. 37. No. 41. t. 3. f. 19. a-d. Panzer Faun. Ins. G. 28. No. 2. ?. Roesel Ins. 11. I. p. 41-65. n. 5. t. 7. f. 8. ?. f. 10. ?. & t. 6, 8 & 9. Larva, Pupa, &c. Stephens Illustr. Brit. Ent. Mandibulata, 3. p. 216.

Habitat: Holland, and other parts of Europe.

Male. Head black, with a horn terminating in a point, and bending backwards. Eyes red brown. Thorax brown, almost black, margined and prominent, terminating upwards in three pointed tubercles. Scutellum black, and nearly triangular. Elytra red brown, smooth, shining, slightly margined. The abdomen, legs, and all the under parts of a red brown, and hairy. TibiÆ spined.

Female. Resembles the male in every thing but the head and thorax; having on the former, instead of the horn, a small tubercle, and on the latter a small impression in the place of the pointed knobs.

This insect has been introduced into the list of British species on the authority of the late Mr. Haworth, who recorded the fact of a living specimen having been taken by a bricklayer amongst old timber, on pulling down the roof of a building at Chelsea, (Entom. Trans, vol. i. p. 76.) Mr. Stephens, however, (loc. supra citat.) thinks it very doubtful whether the species be really indigenous, as it appears highly probable that the specimen above alluded to, may have been imported amongst some of the Continental plants which abound in the above vicinity, the insect occurring very copiously in rotten bark, the refuse of conservatories, and putrid wood in various parts of the Continent.


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