DIAPREPES SPENGLERI.Plate XXXII. fig. 1. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Brachyderides. Genus. Diaprepes, Schonherr. Chlorima, Dej. Curculio, Linn. &c. Diaprepes Spengleri. Niger, thorace albo-squamoso, elytris squamositate flava vestitis, saturÂ, margine striisque tribus elevatis, nudis, nigris, notatis. (Long. Corp. 7 lin.) Syn. Curculio Spengleri, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 2. 609. 32. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 532. No. 149. Oliv. Ent. V. 83. 311. No. 345. t. 2. f. 15. C. T. 20. f. 254. Herbst. Col. 6. t. 68. f. 11. & T. 69. f. 1. Schonh. Syn. Ins. Curcul. 2. p. 8. No. 1. Curculio Aurifer, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: Jamaica. Head black, long, and rostrated; as long as the thorax, which is also black. They are both striped underneath with streaks of a shining, golden, green colour. Scutellum very small. Elytra dark brown, extending very low down the sides, and terminating in a point, double margined. The abdomen dark brown, and, with the wing-cases, adorned with many oblong spots or streaks, of a golden green colour. Femora simple, and dark brown. TibiÆ hairy, particularly within. Underside of the tarsi brown yellow. The golden spots, or streaks, on this insect vary very much; in some individuals being ash-coloured, some blue, and in others nearly white. The colour also of the wing-cases in some is almost black, in others of a red brown. COPRIS MOLOSSUS.Plate XXXII. fig. 2. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: ScarabÆidÆ. Genus. Copris, Geoffroy. ScarabÆus, Linn. Copris Molossus. Thorace retuso bidentato, utrinque impresso; clypeo lunato unicorni integro, elytris lÆvibus. (Long. Corp. 2 unc.) Syn. ScarabÆus Molossus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. II. p. 543. No. 8. Fabricius Ent. Syst. 1. p. 51. No. 167. Olivier, 1. 3. t. 5. f. 37. ?. t. 4. fig. 25. De Geer. Ins. 1. t. 32. f. 2. Schonherr Syn. Ins. p. 43. Habitat: China. Entirely black. Head broad and thin, rounded in front and margined; having a strong erect horn, near half an inch long. Thorax margined, and much elevated, terminating upwards in an high ridge, whose sides are furnished with two short horns, varying very much in their length (the females being entirely hornless); it is also, as well as the head, regularly covered with innumerable small pustules, which are scarce visible to the naked eye. Scutellum obsolete. Elytra margined, short, and almost smooth. Femora broad, hairy, and strong. TibiÆ with strong spurs. Ungues very small, scarcely visible. PHILEURUS DIDYMUS.Plate XXXII. fig. 3. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: DynastidÆ. Genus. Phileurus, Latreille. Geotrupes, Fabr. ScarabÆus, Linn. Phileurus Didymus. Depressus, thorace fossul excavatÂ, capite tricuspide, elytris striatis. (Long. Corp. 2 unc.) Syn. ScarabÆus Didymus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. II. p. 545. No. 19. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 1. p. 20. No. 61. Oliv. Ent. 1. 3. p. 42. No. 46. t. 2. fig. 9. Schonherr Syn. Inst. 1. p. 19. No. 85. Pal. Beauv. Ins. Col. pl. 16. f. 3. Habitat: (——? Drury). America (Fabricius). Head, black, small, and triangular, having three tubercles issuing from it, of which the anterior is pointed, the others blunt. Thorax black, which is the general colour of the insect, rounded, smooth, and margined, having an impression in front, with a short tubercle situated on it near the edge; from whence runs a hollow groove or channel to the posterior margin. Scutellum small. Elytra shining, margined and furrowed. Abdomen smooth and shining, without hair. TibiÆ furnished with spines, as are the first joints of the middle and posterior tarsi. BRACHYCERUS GLOBOSUS.Plate XXXII. fig. 4. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Brachycerides. Genus. Brachycerus, Fabr. Curculio, Linn. &c. Brachycerus Globosus. Ovatus niger, rostro varioloso, subcarinato, medio bifoviolato, basi bi-tuberculato, thorace utrinque spinoso, quinque sulcato, postice truncato, elytris lÆvibus. (Long. Corp. 9 lin.) Syn. Curculio Globosus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 413. No. 6. Oliv. Ent. V. 82. p. 47. No. 6. t. 2. f. 10. Schonh. Syn. Ins. Curcul. 1. 392. No. 9. Habitat: Cape of Good Hope. Head black, long, and rough above. AntennÆ short, gradually increasing in size from the base. Thorax black, and very rough; each side terminating in a thick spine or tubercle. Elytra black, smooth, and round, and reaching so far down the sides of the abdomen as almost to meet underneath, being rather longer than the head and thorax. Femora and tibiÆ partly black, and partly of a dirty orange; being covered in several parts with a kind of pile of the colour last mentioned. Scutellum obsolete. Each of the ungues furnished with a spine. HIPPORHINUS VERRUCOSUS.Plate XXXII. fig. 5. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Entimides. Genus. Hipporhinus, Schonh. Bronchus, Germar. Curculio, Linn. &c. Hipporhinus Verrucosus. Elongato-ovatus niger, Æneo-micans, rostro quasi abscisso, quinque sulcato, thorace confertim tuberculato, elytris seriato-tuberculatis apice singulatim verruc crass auctis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Curculio Verrucosus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 12. p. 618. No. 90. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 534. No. 161. Herbst. Col. 6. 308. t. 84. fig. 6. Schonh. Syn. Ins. Curcul. 1. 481. 27. Habitat: Cape of Good Hope. General colour brassy black. Head long, and furnished with a thick rostrum, whereon are placed the antennÆ. Thorax rounded, and regularly covered with small pustules. Head and thorax almost the length of the elytra, which are long, brassy, and covered with several rows of tubercles; some being small and round, others larger and oblong; they extend very deeply down the sides of the abdomen, and at their extremities terminate in two swellings. Scutellum obsolete. Femora simple. Posterior tibiÆ very crooked. LAMIA (STERNOTOMIS) PULCHRA.Plate XXXII. fig. 6. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: LamiidÆ. Genus. Lamia, Fabr. &c. Cerambyx p. Linn. &c. Subgenus. Sternotomis, Percheron. Lamia (Sternotomis) Pulchra. Nigra, thorace transversÉ fulvo trifasciato, elytris fulvo maculatis et variegatis, maculis interdum viridi-cinctis. (Long. Corp. fere 1 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Cerambyx Pulcher. Drury, App. vol. 2. (nec C. pulcher Fabr. qui ad C. mirabilem Drurii pertinet.) Lamia blanda, Schonh. Syn. Ins. 3. 373. Lamia ornata, Pal. Beauv. Ins. d'Afr. et d'Amer. Col. Pl. 37. f. 1. Lamia regalis, Fabr.? Syst. Eleuth. 2. 286. Habitat: Jamaica. Head orange colour, encircled with black stripes. AntennÆ black, being a little longer than the insect. Thorax orange-coloured, encircled with black rings; having a single spine on each side. Elytra with orange-coloured clouds and spots on them, separated by black partitions, some being margined with green. Abdomen orange-coloured, the middle being of a dirty green. Femora simple, dark green. TibiÆ the same. |