

Plate XXVII. fig. 1.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Crepuscularia. Family: SphingidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Sphinx, Auct.

Sphinx Alope. Alis dentatis fuscis, strigis dentatis nigris, posticis fulvis apice latÈ nigris; abdomine nigro cingulis interruptis pallidis. (Expans. Alar. 4 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Sphinx Alope, Drury, App. vol. 2. Cramer, 26. tab. 301. fig. G. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. 362. No. 20. Gmel. Linn. S. N. 2375. 62.

Habitat: Jamaica.

Upper Side. AntennÆ red brown above, white underneath. Head and thorax dark brown; head and thorax with a black dorsal line. Abdomen encircled with rings of brown and dark ash colour, divided on the top by a dark ash-coloured line running from the thorax to the extremity. Posterior wings dark brown coloured, having some dark irregular lines, almost black, crossing them from the anterior to the posterior margin, and a row of small black angular marks running along their external margin; these wings are a little dentated. Posterior wings yellow, with a deep black border.

Under Side. Abdomen dark ash-coloured. Anterior wings brown, spotted along their external edges with long yellowish spots. Posterior wings brown, with a deep border; the middle of the wings and abdominal edges being yellow; a narrow black indented line begins at the abdominal corners, and crossing the wings ends at the anterior margin below the middle.

Fabricius, on the authority of Dr. Pflug, states that this insect frequents the Carica Papaya. The larva is tailed, without hairs, the back cinereous anteriorly, with a broad fascia of a brown colour, ocellated in the middle and ending in a black spot. The chrysalis is brown, with red annuli and striÆ.


Plate XXVII. fig. 2.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Crepuscularia. Family: SphingidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Sphinx, Auct.

Sphinx Pinastri. Alis cinereis, anticis lineolis tribus confertis nigris; abdomine fusco, cingulis atris suprÀ albo marginatis et dorso interruptis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. Sphinx Pinastri, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 892. No. 22. Sepp. Ins. 3. 23. t. 5. Roesel. Ins. Belust. 1. Phal. 1. t. 6. Donov. Engl. Ins. ix. 10. pl. 296. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. 367. No. 35. Gmel. Linn. S. N. 2385. 22. Stephens Illust. Brit. Ent. Haust. 1. 121.

Habitat: Germany (Drury). England, and other parts of Europe.

Upper Side. AntennÆ white on one side, and brown on the other. Head and thorax brown grey; the latter at the base being ash-coloured, having a black line running on each side. Abdomen brown grey, encircled with rings of a dirty black, divided on the top by a broad line of brown grey, through which runs a black line from the base to the extremity. Anterior wings brown grey, with three short black lines in the middle of each wing; at the tips rises another irregular narrow black line, running towards the middle of the wing, and chequered with white and black. Posterior wings brown grey, immaculate, being a little paler towards the shoulders; the wings are entire. Cilia alternately black and white.

Under Side. The breast and abdomen are ash-coloured. All the wings brown grey, immaculate. Cilia spotted as above.

This insect is attached to the pine, and is consequently found in the great forests in Germany, and other parts of Continental Europe. This accounts for its scarcity in England, and for its having been occasionally found in the pine forests of Scotland by Dr. Leach and Mr. Wilson. The larva is described by Mr. Stephens as being entirely yellow in its first skin, in the second green with yellow stripes, in the third deeper green, with three longitudinal lemon-yellow lines on each side, and finally of a rich green with a brown dorsal line; the sides with two deep yellow ones; the anterior and first segment of the body yellow, the latter spotted with black; the horn, which was previously straight, becomes curved and black. It feeds on various species of pine, as Pinus abies, sylvestris, Strobus, &c. The chrysalis is dark brown, changing to maroon; the tongue-sheath is short.


Plate XXVII. fig. 3.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Crepuscularia. Family: SphingidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Sphinx, Auct.

Sphinx Ello. Alis subdentatis cinereis; posticis rufis margine nigro; abdomine pallido cingulis (dorso interruptis) nigris. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Sphinx Ello, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. p. 800. No. 13. Cramer, tab. 301. fig. D. Merian Surin. t. 61. f. 2. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. 362. No. 21. Gmel. Linn. S. N. 2375. 13.

Habitat: St. Christopher's (Drury). Surinam (Mad. Merian).

Upper Side. AntennÆ white on one side, and brown on the other. Head and thorax ash-coloured; the latter having some faint narrow dorsal and lateral black lines. Abdomen ash-coloured, encircled with black rings extending to its sides, divided on the top by an ash-coloured line. Anterior wings dentated and ash-coloured, having an irregular shade of black and dark brown running from the tips to the shoulders, and a few small black spots dispersed on different parts of the wings. Posterior wings red, with a black border. Cilia reddish white.

Under Side. Breast, thighs, legs, and abdomen ash-coloured. Anterior wings, in the middle, ferruginous; but toward the external edges and the tips dirty red brown. Posterior wings next the shoulders and interior margin ash-coloured, but in the middle of a reddish colour; along the anterior margin they are of a brown grey, and along the external margin they are of a dirty red brown. These wings are a little dentated.


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