PAPILIO THOAS.Plate XXII. fig. 1. 2. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: PapilionidÆ, Leach. Genus: Papilio, Auct. Papilio Thoas. Alis suprÀ nigris, fasci communi lunulisque submarginalibus flavis, posticis caudatis, his subtus macul discoidali ferrugine lunulisque coeruleis. (Expans. Alar. 4 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Equ. Ach.) Thoas, Linn. Mant. p. 536. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 32. No. 94. Cramer, pl. 167. fig. A. B. Latr. et God. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 62. 103. Boisduval et Leconte Icon. Lep. Amer. Sept. pl. 12. et 13. Boisd. H. n. Lep. 1. p. 355. Var. Pap. Cresphontes, Cramer, 165, 166, A. Habitat: Surinam (Drury). Paraguay to Georgia (Boisd.). Upper Side. Thorax black. Two small yellow streaks extend from the eyes to the shoulders. Abdomen yellow, with a black dorsal line; apex red brown. Wings black, with deep yellow spots on them. A yellow bar, near half an inch broad, begins at the middle of the superior wings, and running parallel with the anterior edges, crosses the inferior ones just below the shoulders. Several oval and oblong yellow spots are placed between the tips and this bar. One also is situated close above it, near the middle of the wing; being separated from it by the tendon, which is black. Below the bar are four small spots, beginning at the interior angle (the first being double). Posterior wings furnished with two black tails, having a long yellow stripe in the middle. About a quarter of an inch above the external edge is a row of six yellow spots, whereof one is obscured by the anterior wing; there being but five shewn in the plate. Under Side. The breast is ash colour. Anterior wings partly soot colour, but principally yellow. A row of eight yellow spots is situated within the external margin, and the yellow bar, observable on the upper side, is not to be distinguished on this. Several small yellow lines rise at the shoulders, and expanding like the sticks of a fan, occupy almost the chief membrane of the wing. The caterpillar of this butterfly feeds upon the orange-trees, from Paraguay to Georgia. Its back is covered with large irregular white spots, with brown marks, which extend along the middle and posterior parts of the body. The chrysalis is of a bright brown, with several black dots. PAPILIO SINON.Plate XXII. fig. 3. 4. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: PapilionidÆ, Leach. Genus. Papilio, Auct. Papilio Sinon. Alis nigris, fasciis communibus virescenti-albis, posticis lunulis sex submarginalibus virescenti-albis anguloque ani rubro. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. fere.) Syn. Papilio Sinon, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 452. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 26. 75. Cramer, tab. 317. fig. C. D. E. F. Ency. MÉth. ix. p. 53. Boisduv. Hist. Nat. Lep. 1. p. 260. Papilio (Eq. Achiv.) Protesilaus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: Jamaica (Drury). Florida, Cuba (Boisduv.). North America (Enc. MÉth.). Upper Side. The thorax black; the hair thereof greenish. Abdomen black. All the wings black; posterior ones being furnished with two tails, edged with white. Close to the shoulders, in the anterior wings, rises a stripe of sea-green, which crosses the inferior ones; and, running parallel with the abdominal margin, ends near the extremity of the body. A little below this is a small scarlet spot, placed near the anal angle; with two smaller spots, of a green colour, below it. At a little distance from the shoulders, a second green stripe, rather broader than the first, begins at the posterior edge of the anterior wings, and crosses the inferior ones, parallel with the first, being continued a little lower. On the anterior wings, about the middle of the anterior edge, rises a bar, of a fine sea-green colour, which crossing both wings, terminates at the middle of the posterior, being narrowest at each end. A row of eight white spots runs parallel with the external edge, ending at the lower corner. Near the external edges of the posterior wings is placed a row of five crescents, of a green colour. Under Side. Breast and abdomen grey-coloured. Anterior wings light chesnut, having a darker cloud near the anterior angle. All the green spots and marks, seen on the upper side, are also visible here. The ground of the posterior wings is rather paler than the anterior; and the green marks and stripes are rather larger here, than on the upper side. The scarlet spot, on the abdominal edge, is considerably larger on this side. A scarlet stripe also begins on the anterior edge, and fills completely the space between the broad green bar and the second stripe, mentioned above, extending as low as the extremity of the body. The two scollops, next the abdominal corner, are black; whereon appear a few blue powder-like specks. M. Boisduval states that Drury's figure is "peu exacte." It is true, indeed, that the figure does not agree with the description given by that author, who describes the fourth pale fascia as "bifide dans la cellule discoidale des premiÈres ailes." The exact uniformity in the shape of this fascia, in both of Drury's figures, renders its correctness evident, and consequently the insect figured by Drury must be regarded as a variety of the species described by Boisduval. |