ARGYNNIS PHALANTA.Plate XXI. fig. 1. 2. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swains. Genus. Argynnis, Fabr. Latr. et Godart. Argyreus, Scop. Dryades, Hubn. Argynnis Phalanta. Alis subdentatis, fulvis nigro maculatis, posticis subtus ad extimum argenteo-purpurascentibus, ocellis aliquot fulvis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc.) Syn. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.) Phalanta, Drury, App. v. 2. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 149. Latr. et God. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 259. Papilio Culumbina, Cram. pl. 337. D. E. (?) pl. 238. A. B. (?). Habitat: China (Drury). East Indies (Fabricius, &c.). Isle Mauritius (I. O. W.). Upper Side. Thorax and abdomen of a dirty clay colour. Anterior wings of a fine deep clay colour, the tips being of a dirty black; which colour is continued, by irregular and indented marks, along the external edges, almost to the interior angle, where are several clay-coloured spots and marks. Above these are four round spots, running obliquely toward the shoulders. Several other black marks are dispersed on different parts of the wings, particularly near the anterior edges. Posterior wings deep clay-coloured, with two black waved or indented lines, running along the external margin. Over these Under Side. Anterior wings, at the base and along the posterior edges, clay-coloured. Near the interior angle of each wing is a round black spot; several others which are very small, oblong, and fainter, being scattered about on different parts. Posterior wings, at the base, fainter clay-coloured. About half the wings, from the external edges, are of a blueish clay colour, which is separated from the other part by a faint waved line of a reddish hue. Two other faint waved lines also run along the external edges, answering to the black ones on the upper side; and the four black spots seen there are very small on this side, being but just perceptible. MELITÆA PHAETON.Plate XXI. fig. 3. 4. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Sw. Genus. MelitÆa, Fabr. Argynnis, Latr. et God. Papilio (Dan. Festiv.), Drury. MelitÆa Phaeton. Alis subrotundatis integerrimis, nigris, singularum extimo suprÀ, pagin omni subtÙs fulvo flavoque maculatis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 9 lin. fere.) Syn. Papilio (Dan. Festiv.) Phaeton, Drury, App. v. 2. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 46. No. 140. Cramer, pl. 193. f. C. D. Argynnis Phaetontea, Latr. et God. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 288. Boisduv. Hist. nat. Lep. pl. 7. B. f. 3. Habitat: New York; taken in June and September, whence there are probably two broods in the year. Upper Side. Body and wings black. The anterior pair of the latter with nine red spots placed near the external edges; above which are two rows of spots, of a lemon colour, with some other small ones placed near the upper edges. Posterior wings with eight red triangular spots, placed close to the external edges. Above these is a row of lemon-coloured crescents; and above that is another row of lemon-coloured round spots. The wings are entire. Under Side. Anterior wings black, with a red indented margin; within the external edge is a row of lemon-coloured crescents. Near the costa, about the middle of each wing, are two larger red spots, and a smaller one at the corner, next the shoulders. The remainder of the wings is sprinkled with lemon-coloured spots, of different shapes and sizes, in all about twenty-six on each. Posterior wings black, having their external edges margined with triangular red spots; above which is a row of lemon-coloured crescents; and over these is a row of round lemon-coloured spots. The remaining part of the wings is covered with lemon-coloured and red spots; the former very small, and the latter rather large, and angularly shaped. MELITÆA THAROS.Plate XXI. fig. 5. 6. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Sw. Genus. MelitÆa, Fabr. Argynnis, Latr. et God. Papilio (Dan. Festiv.) Drury. MelitÆa Tharos. Alis subrotundatis integerrimis, supra fulvis, lineis plurimis transversis limboque communi nigris, posticis utrinque ad extimum strig punctorum nigrorum. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 6 lin. fere.) Syn. Papilio (Dan. Festiv.) Tharos, Drury, App. v. 2. Cramer, pl. 169. fig. E. F. Argynnis Tharossa, Latr. et God. Encycl. MÉth. ix. p. 289. No. 61. Habitat: New York. Upper Side. Head, body, and abdomen dark brown. Anterior wings varied with dark brown and orange; in some the dark brown occupying the greater part of the wings, in others the orange colour is predominant; but the tips and external edges in all are dark brown; in some two ocelli are seen close to the anterior edge, and near the lower corner; but in others these ocelli are not to be discovered. Posterior wings dark brown and orange. Round the edge is a waved dark border, through which a small waved white line, runs from the anal angle about half way; above this are placed, in a row, five round ocelli, and one oblong, next the anal angle; the pupils being black, and the irides orange colour. Above these is a broad orange-coloured band, and next the body the wings are dark brown. All the wings are entire. Under Side. Anterior wings, at the base, deep clay-coloured, with some dark brown clouds on the anterior edges and interior angles; but in some these clouds are hardly perceptible. In some a small scolloped line runs along the external edges, from the tips to the lower corners, of a reddish hue; in others this is not to be seen, having a dark brown border in that part. Posterior wings very pale clay-coloured, with a cloud on the middle of the external edges, of a reddish brown; where (in some) is a silver spot like a half moon. The black pupils of the six ocelli, seen on the upper side, are, in some specimens, very small here, and just perceptible; in others they are not to be seen. "In short, nature forms such a variety of this species, that it is difficult to set bounds, or to know all that belongs to it."—Drury. |