EREBUS CREPUSCULARIS?Plate XX. fig. 1. 2. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna, Family: NoctuidÆ, Steph. Genus. Erebus, Latrielle. Thysania, Dalman. Noctua, Fabr. PhalÆna (Attacus), Linn. Erebus Crepuscularis? Alis griseis, fasci maculisque albis, anticis ocello fusco, posticis fasciis duabus dentatis fuscis fulvo marginatis. (Expans. Alar. 4 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. PhalÆna (Attacus) Crepuscularis? Linn. S. N. 2. 811. No. 13. Drury, App. v. 2. Oliv. Enc. MÉth. 8. 255. 19. Habitat: China (Drury). America (Linn.). Upper Side. AntennÆ setaceous. Palpi standing erect above the head. Tongue spiral. Neck with a narrow ring of white. Thorax dark brown. Abdomen dirty buff colour. Anterior wings dark nut brown at the base; paler at the external margin. On the anterior margin, next the tip, is a white subtriangular spot; and from the middle arises a white bar, which runs obliquely to the middle of the wing, but suddenly turns and runs to the base of the posterior margin; from the inner angle of this bar, near the middle of the wing, a black line runs towards the front of the wing, forming a large eye. Within the external margin are many dark and white marks. All the wings are scolloped. Posterior wings, next the shoulders, are of a dirty buff colour; remainder nut brown, separated by a narrow line of darker brown, beneath which runs a small narrow line of buff, and a quarter of an inch below this is another line, crossing the wing. From thence, to the external edge, are several darker coloured clouds, and white marks of different shapes and forms; particularly a white angular spot on the anterior edge, near the corner. Under Side. All the wings of a pale clay colour, inclining to buff. On the anterior, the two white spots at the tips, visible on the upper side, appear here also; and several smaller ones on other parts of the wings. The white bar being less distinct than the other white marks; but on the posterior wings the white angular spot, near the upper corner, is very plain and strong. The diversity of the habitats, given by Drury and LinnÆus, render it doubtful whether that figured by the former be identical with that described by the latter. NOCTUA LUNATA.Plate XX. fig. 3. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: NoctuidÆ. Genus. Noctua, Auct. Subgenus.—? Noctua Lunata. Alis fuscis, strigis multis transversis; anticis macul centrali, alter angulat apicali, fasciÂque obliqu postic nigris. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) Lunata, Drury, App. v. 3. Habitat: Carolina, Virginia. Upper Side. The antennÆ light brown and setaceous. The tongue spiral. Palpi not very hairy. The head, thorax, abdomen, and wings hazel-coloured. Anterior wings with a waved line, of a dark brown colour, placed near the anterior angle, beginning at the posterior and ending at the external edge. At the shoulders, and along the anterior margin, are several small dark brown clouds and marks, that Under Side. The breast, abdomen, and wings are all of a paler hazel colour. Anterior wings dappled with dark brown on the middle of the anterior edge, and spotted with minute short brown streaks, as well as the posterior. GEOMETRA (ANGERONA) SERRATA.Plate XX. fig. 4. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: GeometridÆ, Steph. Genus. Geometra. Subg. Angerona, Duponch, Steph. Hipparchus p. Leach. Curt. Geom. (Angerona) Serrata. Alis luteo-fulvis dentatis, fasci lat apicali macul basali anticarum fasciÂque basali posticarum ferrugineis. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin) Syn. Phal. (Noctua) Serrata, Drury, App. v. 2. Habitat: New York; taken on the 26th of June. Upper Side. AntennÆ and head of a reddish buff colour, the former setaceous. Tongue very small and spiral. Thorax and abdomen yellow buff colour; as are all the wings in general. The anterior having a bar of brown red colour, which begins at the tips, and runs across the wings, almost to the middle of the posterior edge; occupying all that space along the external margin. At the base is a small cloud of the same colour, but much fainter. Posterior wings with a broad marginal bar of the same brown red. A small faint line likewise crosses these wings. The buff ground is sprinkled all over with faint, irregular, dark brown spots, that in some specimens are scarcely visible. All the wings are dentated; the lower ones most deeply. Under Side. Wings yellow buff, with brown red markings, as on the upper side, but less distinct. The irroration stronger and plainer, being also sprinkled over the brown bars. |