

Plate XLVIII. fig. 1.

Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Libellula, Auct.

Libellula Carolina. Thorace fusco, abdomine (?) coeruleo, alis hyalinis, posticis basi dentato macul magn ferrugine flavo cinctÂ. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. Libellula Carolina, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 904. 17. Amoen. Acad. 6. 411. 85. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 382.

Libellula Chinensis, De Geer, vol. 3. tab. 26. f. 1.

Habitat: New York, Virginia, China, Madras (Drury).

Front of the head dark yellow. Eyes large, and situated near together. Thorax dirty green. Abdomen round; and in some appears to have been of a yellow, in others of a blue, colour. Wings reticulated and transparent; the superior (being narrowest) have only a small dark spot on the anterior edge of each near the extremity; all the remaining part being transparent. The inferior have also a small dark spot on each, like the superior; but close to the abdominal edge they have a large dark cloud on each, which reaches from the anterior edge almost to the posterior. At this part the wings are much broader than is generally observed in any of this genus; gradually widening from the extremity to the abdominal edge.


Plate XLVIII. fig. 2.

Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Agrion, Fabr. Libellula, Linn. Calepteryx, Leach.

Agrion Virginica. Aureo-viridis, abdomine nigro, alis fusco-luteis apice nigricantibus, stigmate (?) albo. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. Libellula virgo var. Gamma, Drury, App. vol. 2. (Exclus. Syn. Linn.)

Habitat: Virginia.

Head beautiful golden green. Eyes round, black, not so large as those in the other figures, and placed at a distance from each other. Thorax golden green. Abdomen black, long, and slender. Legs black, very spinose. Wings reticulated, and of a fine shining brown, somewhat inclining to dark blue, with a remarkable white oval spot near the tips of each, which part is much darker than the rest; but in the males is the same, the wings there being of a deep mazarine blue, almost black, and without the white spots.

Drury observes of this insect, that "it is somewhat like one we have in England, but distinctly different, and soon to be discovered by comparing them together." He nevertheless applied to it the name of the English species, which I have been consequently obliged to reject.


Plate XLVIII. fig. 3.

Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Agrion, Fabr. Libellula, Linn. Calepteryx, Leach.

Libellula Berenice. Lutea, thorace nigro lineato, abdomine (?) coeruleo; (?) luteo; alis hyalinis nubil centrali costali fusc stigmateque nigro. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Libellula Berenice, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Virginia, New York, Maryland.

Front of the head yellow. Eyes brown, large, and joined close together. Thorax yellow, and beautifully marked with black stripes, both at top and on its sides; the former running parallel with it, the other obliquely. Abdomen yellow, the characteristic of the female; but in the other sex blue, with black joints. Legs black. Wings transparent, with a slender black spot near the tips of each; in the middle of each also is a rather large dark cloud placed on the anterior edge, and another at the base next the body.


Plate XLVIII. fig. 4.

Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Cordulegaster. Leach, Steph. Libellula p. Drury.

Cordulegaster Sabina. Ænea, thorace nigro lineato; abdomine clavato nigro, flavo annulato, alis hyalinis stigmate minuto. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Libellula Sabina, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: China, and the Island of Johanna, near Madagascar.

Front of the head green. Eyes brown, large, and placed close together. Thorax green, with three black longitudinal stripes at top, and with several others running obliquely on its sides. Abdomen, next the thorax, large and green, with black transverse stripes, but of a sudden becomes very small and slender for about five-eighths of an inch; black, with yellow rings; afterwards it becomes broad near the extremity, where it is black, the apex being yellow. Legs black. Wings transparent, except a small slender spot near the tips of each on the anterior edges.


Plate XLVIII. fig. 5.

Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Libellula, Auct.

Libellula Pulchella. Thorace villoso olivaceo, lineolis duabus sub alis, abdomine (?) coeruleo lateribus luteis; alis hyalinis macul baseos fasci medi apiceque fuscis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Libellula pulchella, Drury, App. vol. 2. (1773.)

Libellula bifasciata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 374. (1793.)

Habitat: New York.

Front of the head green. Eyes brown, large, and placed close together; behind each are two yellow spots, one round, the other oblong. Thorax hairy, and of a dirty brownish green; having on the sides two long yellow spots placed obliquely above one another, the under one being the shortest. Abdomen flattish, but triangular; in the male blue, but in the female yellow. Legs black. Wings transparent, with a small brown cloud on the tip of each; from whence issues along the anterior edge, a slender black stroke near the middle of each wing. Another small brown cloud begins on the anterior edge, and reaches about two-thirds cross the wing. At the base of each, also, a third dark cloud of a longish form seems to extend from the body near the anterior edge, to almost a third part of the wing. Between these clouds the males have a remarkable white patch or spot on each wing, and also another on the abdominal edge of the posterior ones, all which are not to be discerned in the females.


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