

Plate XLV. fig. 1.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa, Latr. Family: CoreidÆ, Leach. (Anisoscelites, Laporte.)

Genus. Leptoscelis, Laporte. Anisoscelis p. Burm. LygÆus p. Fabr.

Leptoscelis Pictus. Niger, capitis line dorsali, thoraceque crenulato rufis, hoc anticÈ macul margineque postico nigris, femoribus gracilibus denticulatis, abdomine supra cyaneo maculis marginalibus rufis. (Long. Corp. 7½ lin.)

Syn. Cimex pictus. Drury, App. vol. 2.

LygÆus crenulatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. 144. 33. Syst. Rh. 250. 11. (Alydus cr.)

Habitat: Antigua.

Head small and slender; red, striped with black. Eyes round and projecting. AntennÆ black, and nearly the length of the insect; four-jointed. Thorax red, with black marks near the head, and another near the abdomen; the sides lying high and angular. Scutellum black and triangular. Hemelytra dark (almost black), the apical membrane being rather less so than the basal portion. Wings almost transparent. Abdomen above, blue along the centre, and red on the edges, indented with black; beneath red and brown, as are also the breast and sides. Legs black. Hinder thighs, having several spines on them. The proboscis extends to about the middle of the abdomen.

This species is very closely allied to the insect figured in Plate 43, fig. 3.; nevertheless, their descriptions are placed very widely apart in the Systema Rhyngotorum. They appear to form a good subgenus, nearly allied to Hypselopus of Burmeister, which is confined to Africa.


Plate XLV. fig. 2.

Order: Hymenoptera. Section: Diploptera. Family: VespidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Eumenes, Fabr. Latr. Vespa, Linn. Drury.

Eumenes Abdominalis. Fusco-fulva, antennis fuscis apice nigris, abdomine pyriformi petiolo longo nigro apice fulvo, segmento sequenti nigricanti. (Long. Corp. 10½ lin.)

Syn. Sphex abdominalis, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Jamaica.

Head brown yellow. Eyes black. AntennÆ brown, but near their extremities black, being the length of the thorax. Thorax brown yellow. Wings membranaceous, yellowish, and almost transparent, being folded longitudinally. Abdomen round, and longer than the thorax, brown yellow; the first segment (exclusive of the peduncle) black, with several black spots or streaks on the under side. It is attached to the thorax by a curved peduncle, considerably less than itself, being black; but at the tip yellow, and of the length of the thorax. Breast and sides black, streaked with brown. Legs brown yellow, furnished with a spine at the tips of the tibiÆ, except the hinder ones, which have two.


Plate XLV. fig. 3.

Order: Hymenoptera. Section: Mellifera. Family: ApidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Centris, Fabr. Apis, Linn. Drury.

Centris Grossa. Aureo-viridis, nitida; antennis pedibusque nigris. (Magn. Bomb. terrestr.)

Syn. Apis grossa, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Jamaica.

Head black, inclining to blue, with a mixture of green. Eyes large. AntennÆ black, and shorter than the thorax. Tongue yellow, and secured within its brown case. Thorax shining, of a dark golden green, with a mixture of blue, having a few black hairs on it. Wings membranaceous and brown. Abdomen of the colour of the thorax, but underneath more of a mazarine blue. Breast the same. Legs hairy and black; posterior tibiÆ more so than the others.

This fine species appears nearly allied to the Centris versicolor, Fabr. (Syst. Piez. 359. 23.) which is an inhabitant of the Islands of America, but which is described thus, "thorace hirto cinerascente, abdomine cyaneo, ano rufescente."


Plate XLV. fig. 4.

Order: Diptera. Section: Athericera. Family: MuscidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Echinomyia, Dumeril. Tachina, Fabr. Musca, Drury.

Echinomyia Hirta. Atra; alis obscuris, abdomine rufo-fusco setis longis nigris obsito, pedibus nigris. (Magn. MuscÆ carnariÆ.)

Syn. Musca hirta, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Jamaica.

Head black. Eyes light brown. AntennÆ like jointed scales, not hairy. Thorax above almost black, with a few hairs on the sides. Wings brown and opake, not transparent. Abdomen red brown, covered with very long black hairs. Legs black.


Plate XLV. fig. 5.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: ReduviidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Reduvius, Fabr. Cimex, Linn. Subgenus: Conorhinus, Laporte, Burm. Triatoma, Lap. olim.

Reduvius (Conorhinus) Variegatus. Niger; thoracis lateribus maculisque marginalibus abdominis ferrugineis, corio nigro rufo-marginato. (Long. Corp. fere 1 unc.)

Syn. Cimex variegatus, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Reduvius gigas, Fabr. Syst. Rh. 267. 3. Burmeister II. 246. 1.? (Conorhinus G.) Stoll. 13. f. 85.? Wolff, 12. f. 113.?

Habitat: Antigua.

Head black and small. Eyes black. AntennÆ black, and shorter than the insect. Thorax black, the sides red brown and angular. Scutellum small, black, and angular. Basal portion of the hemelytra black, verged with red; the apical membrane opake and brown. Wings transparent. Abdomen black, with red spots on its sides, which are seen also beneath. Legs black, yellow at the base.

The antennÆ of this insect, as represented in the figure, are quite unlike those of any of the ReduviidÆ, although in every other respect, and more especially in the peculiar neuration of the membranous part of the upper wings, it agrees with the Reduvius gigas of Fabricius, a species very widely dispersed, being found in South America, Sierra Leone, East Indies, as well as the Island of Mauritius.


Plate XLV. fig. 6.

Order: Diptera. Section: Athericera. Family: SyrphidÆ, Leach..

Genus. Eristalis, Meigen. Musca, Drury, &c.

Eristalis Cinctus. Ater; thorace punctis quatuor fasciÂque postic sulphureis, abdomine castaneo fasci medi sulphureÂ. (Magn. Musc. carnariÆ.)

Syn. Musca Cincta, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Jamaica.

Head large and black. Eyes brown (antennÆ broken off). Thorax black, with two yellow spots next the head, and one on each side, at the base of the wings, with a yellow line crossing it next the abdomen. Scutellum chesnut-coloured. Abdomen chesnut-coloured at the base, with a yellow ring crossing the middle; at the extremity golden green. Legs and breast black. Wings transparent.


Plate XLV. fig. 7.

Order: Diptera. Section: Athericera. Family: MuscidÆ.

Genus. Echinomyia, Dumeril. Tachina, Fabr. Musca, Drury.

Echinomyia Pilosa. Atra; setis rigidis numerosissimis obsita, alis opacis fuscis, capite brunneo. (Echin. hirt paullo minor.)

Syn. Musca pilosa, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Tachina hystrix, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 310. 8. Weidemann Auss. Zw. Ins. 2. 284.

Habitat: Jamaica.

Head red brown. AntennÆ short and thick, without hairs. Thorax and abdomen entirely covered with thick black hairs, or rather bristles, when compared with the size of the insect. Wings opake and brown, not transparent. Breast black, covered with black bristles. Legs black, spinose.


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