

Plate XLII. fig. 1. 5.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: Scutati, Burmeister.

Genus. Scutellera, Latreille, Burmeister. Tetyra, Fabr. Cimex. Linn.

Scutellera DrurÆi. Supra rufa, capite, pronoti maculis duabus, scutelli fasciis duabus irregularibus maculisque duabus subapicalibus nigris. (Long. Corp. 7½ lin.)

Syn. Cimex DrurÆi, Linn. Mant. 534. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. 83. 13. Syst. Rhyng. 132. 17. (Tetyra D.) Sulzer Hist. Ins. t. 10. f. 5.

Habitat: China (Drury). America (Fabricius, incorrectly).

Head black and small. AntennÆ rather longer than the thorax, black, 5-jointed, the two basal joints being shortest. Thorax convex, and slightly margined at the sides; of a fine scarlet colour, with two black spots thereon; somewhat oval, but the outline forming with the head an obtuse angle, the points on the sides being cut off. Wings defended by a thick scaly scutellum, which is very convex and smooth, without any suture, entirely covering the abdomen and extending to the anus, of a scarlet colour, with two broad, black, indented and irregular bars crossing it; one next the thorax which is broadest, and on which are two small scarlet spots; the other placed just below the middle, and seeming to be composed of four spots united together; beneath this are two small black spots, nearly round, situated near the anus. Fig. a. represents one of the hemelytra, which when at rest are concealed beneath the scutellum, having the basal portion or corium strong, thick, and opake; and the terminal portion beyond the transverse rib membranaceous. The wing at b. is very thin and membranaceous; being more transparent than the hemelytra. Abdomen scarlet, with an oblong black spot at the anus, and four others on each side joining to the edge. The breast appears in a strong light of a deep mazarine blue, almost black. Legs, the same. The proboscis is also blue, lying close to the breast, and extending to the beginning of the abdomen.


Plate XLII. fig. 2.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Adephaga. Family: CarabidÆ. Subfamily: Brachinides.

Genus. Galerita, Fabricius. Carabus p. Linn. &c.

Galerita Americana. Nigra, thorace antennis pedibusque ferrugineis, elytris cyaneis. (Long. Corp. 9 lin.)

Syn. Carabus Americanus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. II. p. 671. No. 19. De Geer Ins. iv. t. 17. f. 21. Fabricius Syst. Eleuth. 1. 214. 1. (Galerita a.) Olivier Ent. III. 35. n. 77. t. 6. f. 72. Klug. Jahrb. der Entomol. 1. p. 63.

Carabus Janus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 1. p. 136. No. 51.

Carabus bicolor, Drury, App. vol. 2. De Jean Spec. General, 1. p. 187. 1.

Galerita bicolor. Klug. loc. cit.

Habitat: Virginia (Drury). North America.

Head very long, black, with a red brown spot on the middle. AntennÆ dark brown, the basal joint being longest, thickest, and lightest coloured; the others are nearly of equal length; the whole being a little longer than the elytra. Neck distinct and black. Thorax light red brown, and almost oval, about the length of the head, and a little broader; it is also a little margined, and next the body truncate. Scutellum minute, black, and triangular. Elytra black, margined and furrowed, oval next the thorax, but more square at their extremities, and not covering the anus. Abdomen black. Breast light red brown; as are all the legs. The basal joint of the posterior tarsi is very long.


Plate XLII. fig. 3. natural size, and 7. magnified.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Brenthides, Schonh.

Genus. Brenthus, Illiger. Brentus, Fabr. Curculio p. Linn.

Brenthus Minutus. Niger, elytris striatis nigro-brunneis. (Long. Corp. fere 6 lin.)

Syn. Curculio minutus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Herbst. Col. 7. 200. t. 108. f. 9. B. (Brentus m.) Schonh. Sys. Ins. Curcul. 1. 368. 6.

Habitat: Virginia.

Head black, with a long, horny, slender beak. AntennÆ placed near the head, near the base of the beak, black, and about the length of the thorax, the first and last joints being the longest. Thorax black, smooth, and shining; being almost the length of the body, and nearly round, but thickest towards the middle. Scutellum indistinct. Elytra dark brown, with some patches on them of a lighter colour; margined on the sides and suture, and with rows of small punctures thereon. Abdomen dark brown, smooth and shining. The fore legs are longer than the rest, and at the tips of the tibiÆ are furnished with a spine. All the thighs are very thick in the middle.


Plate XLII. fig. 4. natural size, and 6. magnified.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Adephaga-Geodephaga. Family: CarabidÆ. Subfamily: Brachinides.

Genus. Casnonia, Latrielle. Attelabus p. Linn. Drury.

Casnonia Longicollis. Nigra, elytris punctato striatis, singulo tuberculo parvo subapicali luteo; thorace fere longitudine elytrorum, pedibus luteo nigroque variis. (Long. Corp. 4½ lin.)

Syn. Attelabus longicollis, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Virginia.

Head black, long and broad over the eyes, but narrow next the thorax. AntennÆ dark brown, about the length of the head and thorax. Thorax nearly the length of the wing-cases, black, slender and shining, rising a little circularly from the body. Scutellum wanting. The elytra are margined and shining, not covering the anus, with rows of very small punctures on them, and near their extremities have a small papilla or swelling of a yellow colour. Abdomen black. Legs partly yellow, and partly black.


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