SAPERDA TRILINEATA.Plate XLI. fig. 1. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: LamiidÆ. Genus. Saperda, Fabr. Cerambyx, Linn. Saperda Trilineata. Grisea seu luteo-rufa, vittis tribus longitudinalibus dentatis albis, antennis longis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc.) Syn. Cerambyx trilineatus, Linn. Mant. p. 532. Fabr. Sp. Ins. 1. 226. Syst. Ent. 179. 6. (Stenochorus t.) Saperda vittata, Fabr. Mant. p. 231. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 322. 30. Habitat: Jamaica. Head dark brown, the top being tawny yellow, the sides striped with white. AntennÆ greyish brown, much longer than the insect. Thorax very cylindrical, without spines, yellowish brown, having a white stripe on each side, and another on the top. Scutellum very small, semicircular, white, with a black spot in the middle. Elytra margined from the middle to their extremities, where each terminates in a spine, having a white line running on each side from the thorax to their extremities, internally serrated; another white line (also internally indented) runs along the suture, being parallel with those on the thorax and head. Abdomen greyish, with some tawny yellow hairs on each ring. Breast tawny yellow. Legs greyish brown, (the fore ones in one of the sexes being elongated) without any spines at any of the joints. CLYTUS PICTUS.Plate XLI. fig. 2. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: CerambycidÆ, Leach. Genus. Clytus, Fabr. Cerambyx p. Linn. Leptura p. Drury. Clytus Pictus. Thorace rotundato flavo-fasciato, elytris fasciis septem flavis; anticis antrorsum, posticis retrorsum arcuatis. (Long. Corp. fere 9 lin.) Syn. Leptura picta, Drury, Append. vol. 2. Clytus flexuosus, Fabr. Syst. El. 2. 345. 1. Syst. Ent. 191. 22. (Callidium f.) Oliv. Ent. 4. 70. 34. t. 6. f. 76. Leptura RobiniÆ, Forster Cent. Ins. p. 43. Habitat: New York; where they are found upon the Locust tree (Drury). Head black, surrounded by a yellow line; front yellow, with a black spot between the antennÆ. AntennÆ red brown. Thorax black, cylindrical, and smooth, without spines or risings; being encircled with four yellow rings. Scutellum yellow and oval. Elytra black, with six irregular angulated streaks crossing them at equal distances; and another regular and even yellow line crossing them at the joining of the thorax. Abdomen yellow, with dark brown rings. Breast greyish yellow. Legs light red brown, with a small tibial spur. STENOCORUS (ELAPHIDION) IRRORATUS.Plate XLI. fig. 3. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: CerambycidÆ, Leach. Genus. Stenocorus, Fabr. Cerambyx p. Linn. Subgenus. Elaphidion, Serv. Stenocorus (Elaphidion) irroratus. Thorace mutico inÆquali, elytris apice bidentatis, albo irroratis, antennis longis aculeatis. (Long. Corp. 9 lin.) Syn. Ceramb. irroratus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 2. p. 633. 62. Oliv. Ent. 4. 67. t. 21. f. 163. Fabricius Syst. Ent. p. 180. 9. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 307. 9. Serville Ann. Soc. Ent. de Franc. 1835. p. 67. (Elaphidion i.) Habitat: Jamaica; residing in the mahogany trees (Drury). Head very dark brown, almost black; front dappled with cream colour. AntennÆ dark brown, and about the length of the insect; having spines at each joint, except that next the head. Thorax spineless, brownish black, with white patches on its sides; and, when viewed through a microscope, punctured. Scutellum very small, and nearly triangular. Elytra brownish black, margined at the sides and suture, with whitish patches thereon, punctured; having two spines at the extremity of each. Abdomen and breast black, and covered with short grey hairs like pile. Legs reddish brown, with a small spine at the tip of each of the femora (except the fore ones), and another at the tips of the tibiÆ. STENOCORUS (ELAPHIDION) SPINICORNIS.Plate XLI. fig. 4. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: CerambycidÆ, Leach. Genus. Stenocorus, Fabr. Cerambyx p. Linn. Subgenus. Elaphidion, Serv. Stenocorus (Elaphidion) Spinicornis. Thorace inermi tuberculato; elytris bidentatis, antennarum articulis bispinosis, corpore luteo-griseo, fusco variegato. (Long. Corp. circ. 10 lin.) Syn. Cerambyx Spinicornis, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 179. 7. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 306. 5. Oliv. Ent. 4. 67. t. 17. f. 130. Serville loc. cit. sup. (Elaphidion s.) Cerambyx insularis, Linn. (Gmel.) 1. 4. p. 1859. Habitat: Jamaica. Head clay-coloured. AntennÆ red brown, about as long as the insect, each joint having two spines, except that next the head. Thorax clay-coloured and cylindrical, without spines; having a small red brown streak extending along the middle and down the head. Scutellum triangular. Elytra clay-coloured, with many small red brown streaks crossing them; margined on the sides and suture, each having two spines at its extremity. Abdomen and breast greyish clay-coloured, with a small red brown spot on each side of each of the segments. Legs red brown, having a strong spine at the tip of each of the femora, except the fore ones, and another at the tips of each of the tibiÆ. SAPERDA CARCHARIAS.Plate XLI. fig. 5. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: LamiidÆ. Genus. Saperda, Fabr. Cerambyx p. Linn. Saperda Carcharias. Griseo-pubescens, nigro-punctata, antennis mediocribus griseo nigroque annulatis. (Long. Corp. 5.-8 lin.) Syn. Ceramb. Carcharias, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 2. 631. 52. Fabricius Syst. Eleuth. 2. 317. 1. Oliv. Ent. 4. 68. t. 2. f. 22. Panzer F. I. G. 69. 1. Stephens Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vol. 4. 238. Habitat: Germany (Drury). "In EuropÆ Sylvis" (Fabr.). Head dark clay-coloured. AntennÆ clay-coloured, with black rings, and about the length of the insect. Thorax cylindrical and clay-coloured, without any spines or risings on it. Scutellum nearly square. Elytra dark clay-coloured, and margined along the sides; when viewed through a microscope they appear to be covered with a great number of small black pustules. Abdomen and breast clay-coloured; as are the legs, on each of which is a small spine at the tip of the tibiÆ. This fine insect has, within a few years, been found in considerable abundance in the fenny districts of Cambridge and Huntingdonshire, upon low sallows. STENOCORUS ATOMARIUS.Plate XLI. fig. 6. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: CerambycidÆ, Leach. Genus. Stenocorus, Fabr. Cerambyx p. Linn. Stenocorus Atomarius. Nigricans, sericie lute indutus; thorace cylindrico nec tuberculato nec spinoso; elytris fusco cinereoque variegatis. (Long. Corp. 8 lin.) Syn. Cerambyx atomarius, Drury, App. vol. 2. (nec De Geer, 5. p. 65. 4. nec Fabr. Syst. El. 2. 287. nec Oliv. 4. 67. t. 9. 59. d.) Stenochorus marylandicus? Fabr. Syst. Ent. 179. 5. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 306. 4. Oliv. Ent. 4. 70. t. 1. f. 5. Habitat: New York. Head brownish black, covered with short yellowish grey pile. Thorax dirty black, covered with yellow grey pile; cylindrical, and without any spines or risings. AntennÆ dusky brown; having a spine on each joint, except that next the head, and about the length of the insect. Scutellum very small. Elytra black, mottled with yellow grey; being margined at the sides and suture, and not reaching or covering the anus, each having two spines at the extremity. Abdomen and breast greyish brown, as are the legs, each of which is furnished with a spine at the tip of the tibiÆ. |