CERAMBYX (CALLICHROMA) VIRENS.Plate XL. fig. 1. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: CerambycidÆ, Leach. Genus. Cerambyx, Linn. Subgenus. Callichroma, Latr. Serv. Cerambyx (Callichroma) Virens. Thorace rotundato spinoso, corpore viridi, femoribus rufis, antennis pedibusque nigris. (Long Corp. fere 2 unc.) Syn. Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 2. p. 627. 33. Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 166. 8. Syst. Eleuth. 2. p. 267. 3. Oliv. Ins. 4. 67. t. II. f. 78. t. 18. f. 138? Browne Nat. Hist. Jamaica, p. 430. t. 43. f. 8. Sloane Hist. Jamaica, 1. 1. p. 208. t. 237. f. 39. 40. Habitat: Jamaica. Head green and shining. Palpi orange brown. Eyes black. AntennÆ black, and twice the length of the body; the last joint very long. Thorax green and round, the upper part transversely rugose, and armed on each side with a spine, before which is a small tubercle. Elytra green, and margined; tapering gradually towards their extremities, where they are narrow and pointed; being covered with an infinite number of very small pustules. Abdomen and breast covered with small short hairs, and appearing of a grayish green colour. Thighs dark red, black at the tips. TibiÆ black, and compressed. Tarsi black beneath, cushioned, and orange-coloured. PRIONUS (ORTHOMEGAS) CINNAMOMEUS.Plate XL. fig. 2. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: PrionidÆ, Leach. Genus. Prionus, Geoffr. Cerambyx, Linn. Subgenus. Orthomegas, Serville. Prionus (Orthomegas) Cinnamomeus. Thorace marginato denticulato, corpore ferrugineo, elytris ad apicem denticulatis. (Long. Corp. 2 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Cerambyx Cinnamomeus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 2. p. 623. 10. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 2. p. 264. 33. Syst. Ent. p. 163. 16. Merian Ins. Surinam, tab. 24. Prionus corticinus, Oliv. Ent. 4. 66. p. 21. t. 9. f. 34. Habitat: (——? Drury). Surinam (Merian). General colour like that of cinnamon. Head covered with hair in front. Eyes black, extending almost round the head, being only separated both above and beneath by a narrow space. AntennÆ shorter than the body; flattened towards the tips. Thorax thin on the sides, and margined; having two spines, the posterior largest; and on the top are two round tubercles, covered with very short fine hairs or down. Scutellum small and rounded. Elytra margined deeply on the sides, but more faintly at the suture, extending beyond the anus; having a small spine at their extremities, where they are nearly as broad as at the thorax; clothed with exceeding short fine hairs, as are likewise the abdomen and breast. TibiÆ with two spurs. LAMIA VERRUCOSA.Plate XL. fig. 3. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: LamiidÆ. Genus. Lamia, Fabr. Cerambyx, Linn. Lamia Verrucosa. Fusca; thorace griseo lateribus angulatis, disco verrucoso; elytris basi rudÈ punctatis apice lÆvibus. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 4½ lin.) Syn. Cerambyx verrucosus, Drury, App. vol. 2. (nec Oliv. Ent. 4. t. 20. f. 148.) Lamia verrucata, Schon. Syn. Ins. 3. p. 396. 189. Habitat: Barbadoes. Head black, inclining downwards. AntennÆ greyish or dirty black, as long as the body. Thorax dirty grey; and, next the elytra, encircled with a hairy collar, of a red brown colour; very rough above, with short hairs on it; having a strong thick spine on each side, and underneath covered with short red brown hairs. Scutellum small, triangular, hairy, and red brown. Elytra margined at the sides and suture, not covering the anus; rough on the top and sides next the thorax, with deep punctures; but at the tips smooth and shining. Abdomen, breast, femora, and tibiÆ covered with short red brown hairs; the latter with a single spur. Tarsi cushioned, and dirty yellowish coloured beneath. |