| Page. | LETTER I. | Introduction, | 1 | LETTER II. | The Physical, Organic and Moral Laws, | 8 | LETTER III. | The same subject continued, | 25 | LETTER IV. | General Views of the subject, | 39 | LETTER V. | Our Desires, | 45 | LETTER VI. | Tranquillity of Mind, | 51 | LETTER VII. | Of Misfortune, | 58 | LETTER VIII. | Of Independence, | 67 | LETTER IX. | Of Health, | 73 | LETTER X. | Of Competence, | 83 | LETTER XI. | Of Opinion, and the Affection of Men, | 90 | LETTER XII. | Of the Sentiment Men ought to Inspire, | 95 | LETTER XIII. | Of some of the Virtues, | 100 | LETTER XIV. | Of Marriage, | 108 | LETTER XV. | Of Children, | 117 | LETTER XVI. | Of Friendship, | 124 | LETTER XVII. | The Pleasures of the Senses, | 129 | LETTER XVIII. | The Pleasures of the Heart, | 134 | LETTER XIX. | The Pleasures of the Understanding, | 139 | LETTER XX. | The Pleasures of the Imagination, | 144 | LETTER XXI. | Melancholy, | 148 | LETTER XXII. | Religious Sentiments, | 154 | LETTER XXIII. | Of the Rapidity of Life, | 163 | LETTER XXIV. | On Death, | 170 | LETTER XXV. | Conclusion of Droz ‘Sur l’Art d’Etre Heureux,’ | 176 | LETTER XXVI. | The Choice of a Profession, | 182 |
| Notes, | 193–313 |