I. Waiting for the Hop-Off 9
II. Arrival of a Stranger 22
III. Treachery Afoot 39
IV. The Tamperer Captured 51
V. Startling Reports 63
VI. New War Clouds 83
VII. Summoned to Washington 92
VIII. "Deliver These at Paris" 101
IX. Off to Europe 111
X. Pursued by an Enemy Plane 118
XI. In the Teeth of a Hurricane 126
XII. Desperate Haste 135
XIII. The Battle in the Clouds 144
XIV. Destruction of the Enemy 152
XV. Fuel from a Tanker 160
XVI. A Matter of Hours 169
XVII. The Ten-Mile Glide 175
XVIII. A Runaway Plane 185
XIX. The Sleep-walker 196
XX. Kidnaped 206
XXI. The Arrival in Paris 217
XXII. World Peace Assured 222


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