And thus it was that four lads from Brighton—the school which had contributed so much in manly courage to the winning of the world war—added new laurels to the name, not only by successfully carrying out the first Transatlantic aerial flight for the accomplishment of important governmental business, but by doing it upon a mission for the whole of civilization and humanity. For, when these lads awakened, after a deserved sleep of more than twenty hours, it was to find the London newspapers laid out for them, the head-lines telling the marvels of their accomplishment. Japan was appeased. The work of the Peace Conference again took to smooth channels. World confidence and world peace were again restored. Small wonder that all civilization paid homage to the Brighton Boys who had saved the situation! But if there was tribute to the boys while abroad, it was small and insignificant as compared with that which awaited them upon their arrival home. The officials at Washington decided that the lads had indeed earned a rest from all nerve strain and fatigue, and so it was that they found placed at their disposal, after a two-days' rest at Versailles, the best facilities on one of the fastest Transatlantic liners. They sailed from Liverpool three days later, but the news traveled long ahead of them. On the boat they were lionized. Upon their arrival in New York they were idolized. They were treated as conquering heroes returning to their native land. And indeed that is what they were. For they had conquered not only almost every conceivable obstacle, including international intrigue, but they had established the fact that American grit could master the air and link the Old and the New Worlds in a quicker route than ever before was known. |