Transcriber's Notes:


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Retained inconsistent hyphenation when no clear majority was found (e.g. tonight vs. to-night).

Some questionable spelling (e.g. "musn't") retained in dialogue on the assumption that it is intentional.

Page 21, changed "than" to "then" in "and then a decided cheer."

Page 53, changed "most woman are fine" to "most women are fine."

Page 62, changed "pasued" to "paused."

Page 74, added missing close quote after "cinch."

Page 77, changed "prefectly" to "perfectly."

Page 127, added missing close quote to end of page.

Page 128, changed "tomorrow" to "to-morrow" for consistency.

Page 152, removed stray quote after "attempting——"

Page 171, added missing space to second instance of "Wonderful shooting!"

Page 226, changed "diminshed" to "diminished."

Harry Castlemon's Books for Boys ad, capitalized "the" in "Houseboat Boys, The."

Winston's Popular Fiction ad (second page), changed "Embarrasing" to "Embarrassing" and added missing close quote after "ink can do."


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