Harry Castlemon's Books for Boys |
NEW POPULAR EDITION This series comprises thirty titles of the best stories ever written by Harry Castlemon. But few of these titles have ever been published in low-priced editions, many of them are copyright titles which will not be found in any other publisher's list. We now offer them in this new low-priced edition. The books are printed on an excellent quality of paper, and have an entirely new and handsome cover design, with new style colored inlay on front cover, and stamped in ink. 12mo. Cloth. 30 titles. A Sailor in Spite of Himself | Mail Carrier | Buried Treasure | Marcy, The Refugee | Carl, the Trailer | Missing Pocketbook, The | Floating Treasure, The | Mystery of the Lost River Canyon, The | Frank, the Young Naturalist | Oscar in Africa | Frank Among the Rancheros | Rebellion in Dixie | Frank Before Vicksburg | Rod and Gun Club | Frank in the Mountains | Rodney, the Overseer | Frank In the Woods | Rodney, the Partisan | Frank on a Gunboat | Steel Horse | Frank on Don Carlos' Ranch | Ten-Ton Cutter, The | Frank on the Lower Mississippi | Tom Newcomb | Frank on the Prairie | Two Ways of Becoming a Hunter | Haunted Mine, The | White Beaver, The | Houseboat Boys, The | Young Game Warden, The | THE VOLUMES IN THIS SERIES COMPRISE SOME OF THE BEST WRITINGS OF THIS POPULAR AUTHOR Price per volume, 40 cents THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Publishers | WINSTON BUILDING | PHILADELPHIA |