I. New Worlds to Conquer 9
II. "Down with the Reds!" 20
III. Signed Up for Salvage 31
IV. On the Golden Trail 42
V. A Submarine Pickpocket 54
VI. Jay Fights for His Life 66
VII. Diamonds are Trump 78
VIII. Uncle Sam Calls 90
IX. Found—One U-Boat! 102
X. Caught with the Goods 114
XI. The Spy 125
XII. Introducing the "Jules Verne" 137
XIII. Diving De Luxe 148
XIV. An Unexpected Find 159
XV. Trapped in the Diving Bell 170
XVI. An Explosion Impends 179
XVII. A Dog to the Rescue 191
XVIII. Honors for Heroes 202
XIX. In the Pirates' Nest 214
XX. The Treasure Reclaimed 227
XXI. Back to Brighton 239

The Brighton Boys in the
Submarine Treasure Ship


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