I went beneath the sunny sky When all things bowed to June’s desire,— The pansy with its steadfast eye, The blue shells on the lupin spire, The swelling fruit along the boughs, The grass grown heady in the rain, Dark roses fitted for the brows Of queens great kings have sung in vain; My little cat with tiger bars, Bright claws all hidden in content; Swift birds that flashed like darkling stars Across the cloudy continent; The wiry-coated fellow curled Stump-tailed upon the sunny flags; The bees that sacked a coloured world Of treasure for their honey-bags. And all these things seemed very glad, The sun, the flowers, the birds on wing, The jolly beasts, the furry-clad Fat bees, the fruit, and everything. But gladder than them all was I, Who, being man, might gather up And add their treasure to my cup, And travel every shining way, And laugh with God in God’s delight, Create a world for every day, And store a dream for every night. |