ADVENTURES OF A FRONTIER FREIGHTER By William Francis Hooker Edited by Howard R. Driggs BULLWHACKING is an occupation about which most persons know little in these days, but one that demanded courage out in Wyoming territory fifty years ago. The bullwhacker drove ox teams to outlying army posts and Indian reservations far from railroads, when the pioneers were pushing our frontier west of the Missouri. Mr. Hooker was one of these bullwhackers and his book is a true account of his adventures while driving frontier freighters. He tells one of the choice stories of America's making and in a way that makes the old West, with the Indian, the cowboy, and the outlaw, live again. Pioneer adventures are here recounted in an entertaining way, and they are convincing because the author is one of the few surviving men who whacked bulls and he knows of what he is writing. Used as an historical reader, this book will make vivid to pupils of the upper grades an adventurous period of our history. Cloth. xvi + 167 pages. Illustrated. Price $1.00 WORLD BOOK COMPANY Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago Frontier Law