Absolute, 5
Acclimatisation, 191
Acquired characters, 217, 276 f.
Adaptation (definition), 166, 171, 185
to changes from without, 172 ff.
functional, 114, 176 ff.
and Lamarckism, 272, 280
mechanical, 177 f.
morphological, 168 ff.
physiological, 184 ff.
primary and secondary, 188 f.
Adaptedness, 186 f.
Adiantum, 279
Adventitious, 55, 74, 111, 221
Albumen, 200
Allelomorphs, 231
Amphibious plants, 172 ff.
Annelids, 65, 70, 221
Answering reaction, 181
Anti-bodies, 206 f.
Antitoxins, 207 f.
A priori, 6
Aristotle, 144
Ascaris, 93
Aspergillus, 195
Assimilation, 17
Atrophy, 178
Autonomy of life, 143, 224 f., 324
BabÁk, 177
Baer, C. E. v., 48 f. 282
Bateson, 229 ff., 238
Bayliss, 204, 212
Begonia, 221
Bergson, 305
Berkeley, 6
Berthold, 91
Biogenetisches Grundgesetz, 248
Biology, 8 ff., 15 f.
Blaringhem, 238, 276
Blastoderm, 39
Blastomeres, 36, 59, 61 f., 79
Blastula, 37, 61, 79
Blumenbach, 26
Boirivant, 174
Bonnet, 26
Boveri, 29, 60, 95, 235 f.
Buckle, 308, 310
Bunge, v., 248
BÜtschli, 91
Calcium, 97
Calkins, 33
Cambium, 120, 183, 220
Catalysis, 164, 203
Categories, 6 f.
Cause, 99 ff.
Cell, 27 f.
-division, 28 ff., 53, 94
-lineage, 58, 70
-theory, 27 f.
Chemical theory (of morphogenesis), 134 ff.
Chemistry, systematics of, 244.
Child, C. M., 180
Chromatic regulations, 197
Chromatin, 28 f.
Chromosomes, 30, 237
Chun, 66
Classification, 246 f.
Clavellina, 129, 154, 162 f.
Cleavage, 35 ff., 53, 58, 60, 63, 71, 92
Colloids, 187
Compensatory process, 112
Complex potencies, 112, 120
Conic sections, 243
Conjugation, 33
Conklin, 86
Contingency, 218, 284 ff. 304
Continuity of germ-plasm, 215, 227
Cope, 273
Correlation (of masses), 93
(of parts), 247
Correns, 228
Crampton, 70 f.
Crayfish, 105
Ctenophores, 66
Cumulation, 301 ff., 308 ff., 314, 317
Cuvier, 247
Darwin, Ch., 260 ff., 271, 283
Darwinism, 260 ff., 271, 283 ff., 293 ff., 304
Davenport, 191, 206
Delage, 32
Descent, theory of, 250 ff.
Description, 12, 50
Detto, 172
Directive stimuli, 102 ff.
Doncaster, 232
Dreyer, 92
Echinus, 27, 33 ff., 60 ff., 68, 81, 85, 87, 98, 104, 108, 111, 154, 232, 235
Ectoderm, 41, 81, 122
Egg, 31, 33 f.
Ehrlich, 207 f.
Eimer, 292
Elementary organs, 46 ff.
processes, 46 ff.
Elements of nature, 9
Embryo, 44
frog’s, 59, 65, 67
half, 59, 61, 66 ff.
whole, 61, 67 f.
Endoderm, 41, 81
Entelechy, 143 f., 224 f., 295
Entwickelungsmechanik, 57, 70, 78, 241
Enumeration, 297, 300
Enzymes, 164, 203
Epigenesis, 26, 45, 54, 72, 144, 301
Equifinality (of restitutions), 159 f.
Equipotential, 83
Eschenhagen, 195
Evolutio, 26, 45 f., 54, 59, 61, 64, 72, 144, 205, 301
Evolution, 8, 21, 46, 250, 301, 305, 311 ff., 317
Experience, 7 f., 12, 212
Experiment, 51, 56 f.
“Explaining,” 51, 309
Explicit potency, 84
Fasting, 199 f.
Ferments, 164, 203 f.
Fertilisation, 32 ff.
Fischer, 278
Foges, 107
Form, closed or open, 49
Form, organic, specific, 16 ff., 25, 92, 293 ff.
Forma accidentalis, 293
essentialis, 294 f.
Formative stimuli, 102 ff., 113, 118, 133
FrancÉ, 158, 239
FrÉdÉricq, 196
Frog, embryo of, 59, 65, 67
Fromm, 205
Function (mathematical),