Adam, connected with Messiah, 131; Adam, Cadmon, 135 Ado, 54 AdonÆi, 54 Adonis, as suffering, 64; Agni, as fire-God, 99, 100, 105, 154, 199; Ahuramazda, 37–40 Amun Ra, 49 Angromainyu, 38–40 Asita, 104 Atargatis, 117 Attis, in symbolism, 61; Augustus, as Saviour, 34 Baal, 70 Baptism, 103, 118–27, 195, 264 Beardless One, the, 73–5 Benjamin, 91 Body of Christ, 200 Brother of the Lord, 172–4, 204, 230 Buddha, birth of, 104, 127; Buddhist influence on Jewish thought, 105–15 Caleb, 84 Cybele, 117 Cyrus, as Messiah, 41, 90; DÆmons, fear of, 35; Descent into the Underworld, 107 Dionysus, sufferings of, 64, 242; Divine Son, Mithras, 39; Elijah, as Sun-God, 123, 126; Eros, 197 Esther, 72 Fire-cult, Jahwe, 37, 70; First-born son of God, 48, 56, 113 Fish, as symbol, 140 Gnostics, 54, 120, 165, 192, 273–82 Good and evil, opposition of, in Parseeism, 38–9; Hadad, 92–4 Hades, in ancient Judaism, 43 Haman, 72, 75, 81, 85, 87, 148, 212 Heljas, 123 Hippokoon, 56 Holy Ghost, as father of Jesus, 115; Honover, 38 Ideal man, in Seneca, 31–3; Ideas, of Plato, 48 Ilia, 123 Individualism, 44 Jacob, 56 Jahwe, influence of Parseeism, 37, 40, 44; Jessenes, 59 Jesus, Jewish writer, 45; Jews, expectation of redemption, 37; John the Baptist, 119–23 Joseph, as Messiah, 80–2; Joshua, name of expected Messiah, 80–2; Karabas, 74 King of the Jews, 75 Kingdom of peace, longing for, 33–5; Lamb, as symbol, 142–6; Logos, 47–50, 56, 59, 115, 116, 191, 278–81, 296 MandÆi, 54, 120, 165, 192, 273–82 Marduk, 49, 54, 56, 63, 72–5, 120 Mediator, Mithras, 38; Melchisedek, 134 Messiah, as king, 40; Mirzam, 83 Mithras, as mediator, 38–41, 49, 56; Moses, 40, 78, 90, 103, 126, 150, 167, 237, 244, 265 Mysteries, in Judaism, 55; Nanna, 96 Nazar, 61 Nazarene, signification of, 59–61 Ninus, 117 Odin, 97 Osiris, sufferings of, 64; Phanes, 56 Philo, 48–51, 53, 197, 204, 236 Prometheus, 81 Protogonos, 56 Ram, as symbol, 115, 142–4, 158 Resurrection, 39, 43, 170, 206, 241 Ride of the beardless, 73–5 Sacred tree-trunk, 66, 97, 157 Sacrifice of representative of God, 66–70; Saoshyant, as Saviour, 39–42, 49; Sargon, 103 Satan, 38 Saturnalia, 71 Savitar, 114 Scapegoat, 67 Semiramis, 116–17 Seneca, on the ideal man, 31–3 Serapis, 150 Simeon, 104 Son of Man, 41, 112–13, 189, 236 Suffering servant of God, 64–7, 237 Tammuz, 64–5, 82–4, 91, 117, 186 Tau, as symbol, 149 Therapeutes, 51–9 Thoth, as mediator, 49 Tree, of Life, 43, 49, 156, 157; Twelve, the, 62, 135, 170, 271 Union with Christ, 194 Ushas, 101 Vohu mano, 49 Word, 47–50 Zakmuk, 71 Zodiac, 84, 102, 103, 139, 240 UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, WOKING AND LONDON. |