| PAGE | Foreword | ix | The City of My Dreams | 1 | The City Awakes | 5 | The Waterfront | 9 | The Log of a Harbor Pilot | 14 | Bums | 34 | The Michael J. Powers Association | 44 | The Fire | 56 | The Car Yard | 68 | The Flight of Pigeons | 74 | On Being Poor | 77 | Six O’clock | 81 | The Toilers of the Tenements | 85 | The End of a Vacation | 100 | The Track Walker | 104 | The Realization of an Ideal | 108 | The Pushcart Man | 112 | A Vanished Seaside Resort | 119 | The Bread-Line | 129 | Our Red Slayer | 133 | Whence the Song | 138 | Characters | 156 | The Beauty of Life | 170 | A Wayplace of the Fallen | 173 | Hell’s Kitchen | 184 | A Certain Oil Refinery | 200 | The Bowery Mission | 207 | The Wonder of the Water | 216 | The Man on the Bench | 219 | The Men in the Dark | 224 | The Men in the Storm | 230 | The Men in the Snow | 233 | The Freshness of the Universe | 238 | The Cradle of Tears | 241 | When the Sails Are Furled | 244 | The Sandwich Man | 260 | The Love Affairs of Little Italy | 267 | Christmas in the Tenements | 275 | The Rivers of the Nameless Dead | 284 |