| PAGE | Chronological Table | iv | Introduction | v | Sonnets (1594) | 1 | Sonnets (1599) | 28 | Sonnets (1602) | 42 | Sonnets (1605) | 47 | Sonnets (1619) | 51 | Odes (1619) | 56 | Odes (1606) | 85 | Elegies (1627) | 88 | Nimphidia (1627) | 124 | The Quest of Cynthia | 144 | The Shepards Sirena | 151 | The Muses Elizium (1630) | 161 | Songs from the Shepherd's Garland (1593) | 231 | Songs from the Shepherd's Garland (1605) | 240 | Songs from the Shepherd's Garland (1606) | 242 | Appendix | 248 | Notes | 257 |