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Page_33" class="pginternal">33. —— —— of Anian, 135. —— XI., Pope, 445. Benedictine Schools, 113, 131. Benignus, St., disciple of St. Patrick, 43. Bennet Biscop, St., 66, 72, 76. Benno, Cardinal, 288. Bennon, St., of Misnia, his education, 265, 267. Berengarius, 304-309. Berington, Mr., quoted, 225, 226, 284, 486, 516. Bernard, St., 351-355. Bernardine Colleges, 371, 372, 373. Bernward, St., of Hildesheim, 263-267. Bertilla, 191. Bessarion, Cardinal, 604, 605. Beverley, St. John of, 67, 77. Bibiena, Cardinal, author of “Calandra,” 657. Bible, copies of the entire, 71, 72, 335, 337, 372. —— Alcuin corrects the whole, 119; as does Lanfranc, 318. —— metrical versions of the, 189. —— study of the, by the monks, 188, 189. —— saved from barbarians, 236. —— versions of, in the vulgar tongue, 340. —— Commentary on, by Walafrid Strabo, 150. —— Concordance of, first, 437. —— of the poor, 567. —— Bohemian, 562. Bibles, chained in churches, 567. —— Complutensian Polyglot, 652. Black Death, the, 557. Bobbio, 49, 128, 141. Bocaccio, 198. Boethius, 30-33, 288, note. —— Alfred’s translations from, 205-207. Bologna, University of, 328, 379, 391-393. Bonaventura, St., 433. Boniface, St., 89-112. —— VIII., Pope, founds Roman University, 51. Coluccio Salutati, 523. Columba, St., 47, 50. Columbanus, St., 52. Comestor, Peter, 363. Commission of Cardinals on education, 705-707. Computum, the, 8. Concordance of the Bible by Hugh de St. Cher, 437. —— by Archbishop Peckham, 500. Contarini, Cardinal, 668, 700, 705. Contemplative character of early monastic teachers, 165, 166. Convito, Dante’s, 514. Copyists, 100, 129, 172, 332-335. Corby, Old, 136, 160, 658. —— New, 167, 168. Cornificians, the, 359. Corpus Christi College, 678. Cortese, Gregory, 705. Cosmo de Medici, 612, 613. Cosmos, Humboldt’s, quoted, 416, note, 419, 421, 460. Council of Aix-la-Chapelle condemns Felix of Urgel, 142. —— Carthage prescribes laws for manner of life of clergy, 13. —— Constantinople orders priests’ schools, 13. —— Cloveshoe, decrees of, 109, 110. —— Frankfort, against Elipandus, 136. —— Lateran, Fourth, 396. —— Orleans, on priests’ schools, 110. —— Sens, 352. —— Soissons, 229; second, condemns Abelard, 350. —— Toledo requires bishops to found seminaries, 13, 14. —— Trent, 708, 712. —— Vaison, on priests’ schools, 13. —— Valence, 145. Councils of Rheims, Rome, Vercelli, Florence, and Tours successively condemn Berengarius, 308. CourÇon, Robert de, Legate to Innocent III., 375. Courtesy, laws of, 532. Crevier, on principles of Paris University, 405. Croke, Greek Professor, 677, 696. Crusade, the fifth, 390. Cummian, St., 252. —— John of, 250-252. Gospel places, 478. Gospels, 4, 41, 63, 83, 172. —— Harmony of the, 112, 151. Gotteschalk, his errors, 155, 156. “Governor,” the, 672. Gower, 554. Grammar, Latin and English, by Ælfric, 219. —— German, begun by Charlemagne, 125, 151, 171. —— Latin and Greek, 91, 135, 486, 531. —— Latin, partly written by Erasmus, 687, 688. —— Hebrew, 486, 531. Grammarians of Toulouse, 29, 30. “Great Mirror,” the, 435. “Greeks and Trojans,” 674. Greek refugees, 604. Greek, early study of, 49, 52, 77, 78, 114, 118, 122, 134, 145, 172, 183, 184, 257, 267, 275, 296, 303, 438-440, 485. —— restoration of, 520, 601, 605, 607, 609, 613. —— first printed at Deventer, 635. Gregorian School of Chant, 60. —— College, 398. Gregory, St., Nazianzen, 17. —— —— of Nyssa, 705. —— —— of Utrecht, 94, 95. —— —— the Great, Pope, 56-63. —— II., Pope, 94.461. John, St., Chrysostom, 19. —— the Deacon, biographer of St. Gregory, 60, 118, note, 123. —— The Venerable, arch-chanter of St. Peter’s, 75. —— St., of Beverley, 67, 77. —— of old Saxony, scholar of Alfred, 198. —— of Gerze, 250, 252. —— of Salisbury, 355-363. —— St., of Capistran, 524, 602. —— of St. Quentin, 387. —— of Peckham, Archbishop of Canterbury, 499, 500. —— Picus of Mirandola, 618, 619. Joseph of Exeter, 461. Kenticern, St., 39, 40. Kieran, St., 47, 48. Ladies, advice to, 538. Ladies, education of, early, 24-26; ninth century, 191; Middle Ages, 538-540; fifteenth century, 603. Lanfranc, 305-318. Lanthorns, King Alfred and the, 203. Lantnit, Monastery of, founded by St. Iltutus, 37. Lascaris, 622, note. Lateran, School of the, 11. —— Fourth Council of, 411. —— Fifth Council of, 663. Latin Classics, in libraries of Dark Ages, 69, 84, 121, 129, 157, 171, 181, 286, 330, 332, 460, 461, 462. —— prayers taught in poor schools, 469. Latinities, the twelve, 30. Laura de Sade, 518, 519, 522. Law, Canon, 379, 391, 392, 454. —— Civil, 379, 391; first taught at Oxford, 454. —— Effect of this study, 394. Physics of Aristotle, 408. Picus Mirandola, 618. “Piperis Granum,” 275. Pius II., Pope, 604. —— IV., Pope, 718. —— V., Pope, 719. Platina, 616. Plato, quoted by St. Bennet, Biscop, 76; studied by Othlonus, 335; translated by Moerbeka, 441; revived study of him at Florence, 613. Platonic Academy, 613, 614. Pliny, 332. Poetry, specimen of Old English, 580-582. Poggio Bracciolini, 609. Pole, Reginald, 692-701; his Provincial Synod, 709; death, 710. Politian, Angelo, 620-623. Politics of the universities, 404-406. Pollesworth, school of, 578. Polyglot Bible, 652. Pomponatus, 659, and note. Pomponius LÆtus, 616, 617, and note. Popes, protectors of learning, 396-398. Poppo of Wurtzburg, 260. Printing, 593, 635. Professors, tyranny of, 525, 660. Prohibitory decree of Archbishop Arundel explained, 562. Proslogion of St. Anselm, 312. Provisors, Statute of, injurious to learning, 560. Psalter, the, 21, 178. Public schools, 132. “Pugio Fidei” by Raymund Martin, 437. Quinctilian, 157, 181, 346. —— copy of his institutes found in abbey of St. Gall’s, 609. Rabanus Maurus, 147-156. Radbod, Duke, 93. —— Bishop, 257. Radewyns, Florentius, 631. Ramsey, Abbey of, 221, 315, 461. Ratgar, abbot of Fulda, 152. Ratpert of St. Gall’s, 270. Reading School, 461, 577. Realists and Nominalists, 344, 422-432. —— of Hereford, 501. Thorney Abbey, 223. Toledo, Councils of, 13, 14, 717. Toul, schools of, 325. Toulouse grammarians, 29, 30. —— University, 398, and note. Tournai, schools of, 342, 344. Tours, St. Martin of, 33, 36, 42. —— schools of, 33, 36, 42, 137, 144, 233, 304. —— Council of, 308. Transubstantiation, 220, note, 308. Trent, Council of, 708-717; Decree on Seminaries, 714. —— Decree on justification, 709. Trevisa, John of, 544, 545, and note. Trinitarian Order, 371. Trinity, Holy, Abelard on, 351. —— College, Oxford, 711. Trivium and quadrivium, 179. Tudesque dialect, 125, 126, 171, 229, note. Tutilo of St. Gall’s, 271. Udalric, St., of Augsburgh, 261, 262. “Ungren,” the, 233. Universities, rise of, 391; Office of, 399; and the Divorce, 696; reform of, 716. Urban IV., Pope, 397. Utrecht, School of, 93, 96, 257. Vacarius, 393; lectures on law at Oxford, 454. Vaison, Council of, establishes rural parishes, 11, 13. Valence, Council of, condemns Scotus Erigena, 145. Valerius, Maximus, copy of, 584. Valla, Lorenzo, 609, 610. Vatican Library, 604, 652. Vaucluse, Petrarch at, 519. Vercelli, St. Eusebius of, THE END.