_22" class="pginternal">22; his wonderful marches, 15, 17 (note); escape of his followers, 16; death and burial, 18; described, 17 (note). Douglas, Stephen A., author of "Popular Sovereignty," 288. Drake, Sir Francis, reaches California, 56; - takes possession, and names it New Albion, 57;
- his port, 66 (note).
El Dorado. The Spaniards seek it in Florida, 14; El Paso del Norte founded, 37; Elizabeth of England, her character, 147. England claims the North-west coast, 146 (note); - loses her American colonies, 165.
Falls of St. Anthony named, 107, 109 (note); - Indian superstition about, 151.
Fire-worship, 46. Florida discovered and named, 6; - its extent, 6, 7;
- initial point, 7, 9 (note);
- De Soto invades it, 11;
- Indians of, 20-28;
- ceded back to Spain, 164.
Fontaine qui bouille, 314 (and note). Fort BoisÉ, 233 (note); Fort Chipewyan, 138, 139 (note). Fort CrÈvecoeur, 101, 104 (note). Fort Hall, 233 (note), 238. Fort Kearney, Neb., 294. Fort Laramie, 235, 241 (note). Fort Leavenworth, 293, 294 (note). Fort Prudhomme, 103, 104 (note). Fort Riley, Kan., 293. Fort Scott, Kan., 294. Fort Smith, 223 (note). Fort Walla Walla, 238. France contends with Spain for dominion, and is defeated, 6; - cedes Louisiana to Spain, 163;
- plays her own game, 168 (note);
- attitude hostile toward us, 171;
- sells us Louisiana, 174.
Free-soil party formed, 290. Fremont, J. C., meets Senator Benton, 263. Kendrick, John, sails through the Straits of Fuca, 147 (note), 158. Kentucky admitted to the Union, 167. Kino, Fr. Eusebius, founds missions, 38. La Chine, origin of name, 96, 99 (note). Laclede, Pierre, founds St. Louis, 179, 183 (note). Lake Michigan, 92 (note). Lake Pepin, 107, 109 (note). Lake Superior Indians at Quebec, 77. Lane, James H., 304, 307 (note). La Peyrouse, 64, 66 (note). Larkin, Thomas O., 264 (note); - describes gold discovery, 274, 275.
La Salle, Robert Cavelier de, described, 93, 94; - goes in search of the Ohio, 97;
- Frontenac his friend, 97;
- plans a colony at mouth of the Mississippi, 98;
- gets a patent from Louis XIV., 98, 99 (note);
- builds a fort and vessel on Niagara River, 99;
- sails for Green Bay, 100;
- starts hence for the Mississippi River, and descends the Illinois, 101;
- winters among the Illinois, 101;
- returns to Frontenac, 101;
- again sets out, 102;
- finds CrÈvecoeur in ruins and deserted, 102;
- makes a third attempt, 103;
- builds Fort Prudhomme, 103;
- reaches the Gulf and takes possession of Louisiana, 103, 104;
- goes to France, 111;
- sails for the Mississippi River, 112;
- lands on the coast of Texas, 112;
- a chapter of disasters, 113;
- builds Fort St. Louis on Lavaca River, 113;
- sets out for the Mississippi, 115;
- is killed, 117 (and note);
- name honored, 123 (note).
Law, John, his Mississippi scheme, 126, 130 (note). Lawrence, Kan., founded, 298, 299 (note); - besieged, 302;
- destruction of property at, 303.
Leavenworth, Kan., founded, 296, 299 (note). Lecompton settled, 297, 299 (note); - pro-slavery party form a State constitution at, 305.
Ledyard, John, 144, 283. Straits of Fuca discovered, 59; Sutter's Fort, 256, 263 (note); - Fremont's headquarters at, 260.
Taylor, Zachary, commands in Mexico, 250, 263. Tennessee admitted to the Union, 167. Terra Firma, 9 (note). Texas, 118 (note); see also St. Louis of Texas; - Americans invited to, 241;
- in 1821, 242, 246 (note);
- emigration, 2;
- and its character, 243;
- revolts against Mexico, 243;
- conquers her independence, 243;
- applies for admission to the Union, 244;
- is opposed by the North, 245;
- but comes in, 246;
- her boundary in dispute, 249.
Topeka Constitution, 307 (note). Utah, 267, 268 (note). Vancouver, George, 146 (note). Vizcaino, Sebastian, enters San Diego and Monterey, 59. Washington Territory, 323, 325 (note). Webster, Daniel, his attitude toward slavery in new States, 291, 294 (note). Whitman, Marcus, founds a mission in Oregon, 232, 233 (note), 238; - his memorable ride to St. Louis, 239.
Wilkes, Charles, explores north-west coast, 240, 241 (note). Willamette Valley settled, 240. Wisconsin, first white man in, 75, 79 (note). Wisconsin River found to be a tributary of the Mississippi, 78. Wyeth, Nathaniel J., in Oregon, 232, 233 (note). Wyoming Territory, 324. Yellowstone Park, 324. Yellowstone River, 185, 191 (note). Yerba Buena, 282, 284 (note). Young, Brigham, 265. ZuÑi visited by Spaniards, 35, 39 (note).