THE CAMPAIGN OF TRENTON NEW YORK THE SEAT OF WAR New views of the war. II PLANS FOR DEFENCE Troops sent to Canada. III LONG ISLAND TAKEN British move to L. Island. V THE SITUATION REVIEWED The new situation. VI THE RETREAT THROUGH THE JERSEYS VII LEE'S MARCH AND CAPTURE December 2 and 3. IX THE MARCH TO TRENTON Spirit of the officers. Post at Bristol. XI THE FLANK MARCH TO PRINCETON Cadwalader crosses. W A Williams Del. 1725 1. Hoorns Hook. 3. Hancock's Rock. 5. Morrisena. 7. Pinfold's Place. 9. The Pot. 11. The Frying Pan. Decisive Events in American History THE CAMPAIGN OF TRENTON BY SAMUEL ADAMS DRAKE BOSTON LEE AND SHEPARD PUBLISHERS 10 MILK STREET 1895 Copyright, 1895, by Lee and Shepard All rights reserved The Campaign of Trenton PRESS OF Rockwell and Churchill BOSTON, U.S.A. |