- Army of the Potomac follows Lee, 39;
- order of march, 40;
- halts at Frederick, Md., 40;
- change of commanders, 40;
- dangerous meddling, 41;
- effect on the army, 42;
- its morale, 43, 44;
- its efficiency, note, 45;
- in march toward the enemy, 49;
- diverging while the enemy is concentrating, 52;
- hard marching, 53;
- is badly scattered, 53;
- left wing in a critical position, 54;
- how posted on June 30, 55;
- Buford's cavalry engaged at Gettysburg, 62;
- First Corps gets up to its support, 63;
- holds the ground till the Eleventh arrives, 68;
- both are defeated, 76; losses, 77;
- reasons for defeat, 77;
- ordered to Gettysburg, 85;
- Twelfth Corps gets up, 87;
- also part of Third, 89;
- other corps, 90;
- strength of the corps, note, 96;
- as posted July 2 on Cemetery Ridge, 98;
- Third Corps movements, 101, et seq.;
- how this corps was formed to resist Lee's attack, 109;
- whole of the army up at last, 109;
- the battle begins, 112;
- Sickles' whole line is driven in, 124;
- we hold Little Round Top, 121;
- portions of the Second and Fifth assist the Third;
- they have to fall back, 123;
- other troops compel Longstreet to desist, 125;
- dispositions for renewing the battle, 133, 134;
- Culp's Hill attacked, 135;
- Ewell driven out, 136;
- sustains a terrific cannonade, 137, 138, 139;
- lines as formed to resist charge of July 3, 140;
- the assault repulsed, 143, et seq.;
- remains inactive, 153;
- while Lee retreats, 154;
- marches in pursuit, 154;
- finds enemy in a strong position, 156; notes, 159;
- and Lee again slips away, 157;
- losses during the campaign, 157.
- Baltimore alarmed, note, 45.
- Baltimore Pike, cutting the Union lines, 99.
- Battlefield Memorial Association, note, 21.
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@49530@49530-h@49530-h-4.htm.html#Page_59" class="pginternal">59; - orders all corps to Gettysburg, 51;
- steals a march on Meade, 53;
- at Gettysburg, 81;
- decides to attack, 91;
- Longstreet to turn Union left, 94;
- the plan in detail, 105, 106;
- determines to renew the battle, 133;
- reinforces Ewell, 133;
- orders Longstreet to assault Cemetery Ridge, 134;
- sends off his wounded, 153;
- follows with his army, 154;
- gets to the Potomac before he can be intercepted, 156;
- and crosses to Virginia safely, 157.
- Little Round Top, its position and appearance, 19; note, 22;
- Hancock causes its occupation, 88;
- is abandoned, 98;
- is about to fall into the enemy's hands, 115;
- troops brought up to it, 119, 120;
- conflict for its possession, 120, 121;
- Union troops remain masters, 121.
- Longstreet, James, opposes Lee's purpose, 91;
- is ordered to begin the attack of July 2, 105;
- gets into position, 106;
- as a fighter, 106, 107;
- method of attacking Sickles, 114, 115;
- is successful here, but halts before the main position, 125.
- Lutheran Church a hospital, 22.
- Lutheran Seminary, its situation, 17;
- Union troops make a stand there, 77.
- McLaws, (Lafayette) Confederate division attacks Sickles, July 2, 117.
- Meade, George G., takes command, 42;
- his qualifications, 43;
- divining Lee's intentions, 47, 48;
- discards Hooker's plan, 48;
- his own, 49;
- transfers his base to Westminster, 49;
- relieves Harrisburg and York, 51;
- his perplexities, 51;
- is outmanoeuvred, 53;
- learns that Lee is moving to the east of South Mountain, 55;
- but holds his purpose of concentrating at Big Pipe Creek, 57;
- learns of the defeat at Gettysburg and sends Hancock there with full powers, 70;
- decides to fight at Gettysburg, 85;
- though the chances are against him, 90;
- gets to the field, 94;
- designs attacking Lee himself, 97;
- posting his troops, 98;