
JOHN SPURR (see p. 164).

John Spurr was, after the Revolution, a prominent citizen of Charlton, Mass., and often represented the town in the State Legislature. He married the daughter of Rev. Elijah Dunbar, and left two sons; Elijah Dunbar Spurr, and Samuel Danforth Spurr. The widow of the latter, who is now living, is the mother of the first wife of Senator George F. Hoar.


Melvill's Tea Relic, as seen on page 131.

The publisher, in collecting illustrations for Tea Leaves, found one or more New England Societies claiming possession of some of this tea. Therefore it was necessary to look up the original Melvill stock of Bohea.

We show an illustration of it (full size), copied from a photograph (made by special request,) from a relative living in Illinois (since deceased), from whom we learn it has been handed down to the present generation, and has never been owned out of the family, and is now in possession of Mrs. Thomas Melvill's son, Galena, Illinois, to whom we are indebted for its use on this occasion.



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