Just by beauteous Boston lying On the gently swelling flood; Without Jack or streamers flying, Three ill-fated tea-ships rode. Just as glorious Sol was setting, On the wharf, a numerous crew— Sons of Freedom, fear forgetting, Suddenly appeared in view. Armed with chisel, axe and hammer,— Weapons new for warlike deed; Towards the herbage-freighted vessels, They approached with dauntless speed. O'er their heads aloft in mid sky, Three bright angel forms were seen; This was Hampden,—that was Sidney, With fair Liberty between. Soon they cried, "Your foes you'll banish, Soon the glory shall be won; Nor shall setting Phoebus vanish, Ere the matchless deed be done!" Quick as thought the ships were boarded, Hatches burst and chests displayed; Axe and hammers help afforded,— What a glorious crash they made! Quick into the deep descended, Cursed weed of China's coast; Thus at once our fears were ended,— Freemen's rights shall ne'er be lost! |