The work is published either with or without the steel plates. The proceeds of the Musical Festivals are for the benefit of the General Hospital, and not given to the Dispensary, as is stated in Mr. Lacy’s Liverpool Guide-book. “The Picture of Birmingham,” published by J. Drake, New-street, containing an historical and descriptive account of the town, with an accurate map, and twelve views of the principal buildings, &c. See page 2. For a detailed account of objects worthy the traveller’s notice, see the “Picture of Birmingham,” published by J. Drake, 52, New-street; W. Wood, 78, High street; and to be had of all booksellers. A correct view of the Town Hall, Free Grammar School, and Market Hall, to be had on a sheet, the one shilling, at J. Drake’s, 52, New-street, and of all booksellers. The limits of this work would not admit of a more extensive list of the manufacturers of Birmingham, which are exceedingly numerous. With Foreign Letters, via Birmingham and Chester to Holyhead.