Barlow, Mr. H. D., Psychic and Normal Photographs of 127
Burgess, Mrs., with Psychic Picture of Her Uncle 127
Buxton, Mrs., and Daughter, with Psychic Picture of Her Father 47
Colley, Archdeacon, Psychic Message in the Handwriting of 14
Colley, Archdeacon, Normal Handwriting of 14
Colley, Archdeacon, Photomicrograph of Portion of Normal Signature 78
Colley, Archdeacon, Photomicrograph of Portion of Signature in Psychic Message 78
Crawford, Dr. W. J., Psychic Message in the Handwriting of 15
Crawford, Dr. W. J., Normal Handwriting of 15
Crookes, Sir William, with Psychic Face 31
Cushman, Agnes, Psychic Picture of 63
Cushman, Agnes, Normal Photograph of 63
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, and Group, with Psychic Message from Archdeacon Colley 14
East, Mr. and Mrs. H., with Psychic and Normal Pictures of Son 47
Foulds, Mrs. R., with Psychic Photograph of Her Mother 110
Foulds, Mrs. R., Normal Photograph of the Mother of 110
Griere, Mrs. A. E., with Psychic Likeness of Husband and Father 111
Griere, Mrs. A. E., Photograph of the Husband of 111
Jeffrey, Mr. Wm., and Daughter, Showing Ectoplasmic Bag 62
Jeffrey, Mr. Wm., and Daughter, with Psychic Likeness of Mrs. Jeffrey 62
Maddocks, Mr. S., with Psychic Likeness of First Wife 95
Maddocks, Mr. S., Normal Photograph of the First Wife of 95
Pickup, Mrs., with Psychic Likeness of Husband 126
Pickup, Mrs., Photograph of the Husband of 126
S.S.S.P., Group Photograph with Psychic Face 30
Spencer, Major R. E. E., with Psychic Face 31
Tweedale, the Rev. C. L., and Wife, with Psychic Likeness of Mrs. Tweedale’s Father 46
Tweedale, the Rev. C. L., Photograph of the Father-in-law of 46
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, and Friends, with Psychic Likeness of Mr. Wm. Walker 79
Walker, Mr. Wm., with Psychic Message in Handwriting of Mr. W. T. Stead 79
Walker, Mr. Wm., Psychic Message in Handwriting of 94
Walker, Mr. Wm., Specimen of Handwriting of 94



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