| PAGE |
Barlow, Mr. H. D., Psychic and Normal Photographs of | 127 |
Burgess, Mrs., with Psychic Picture of Her Uncle | 127 |
Buxton, Mrs., and Daughter, with Psychic Picture of Her Father | 47 |
Colley, Archdeacon, Psychic Message in the Handwriting of | 14 |
Colley, Archdeacon, Normal Handwriting of | 14 |
Colley, Archdeacon, Photomicrograph of Portion of Normal Signature | 78 |
Colley, Archdeacon, Photomicrograph of Portion of Signature in Psychic Message | 78 |
Crawford, Dr. W. J., Psychic Message in the Handwriting of | 15 |
Crawford, Dr. W. J., Normal Handwriting of | 15 |
Crookes, Sir William, with Psychic Face | 31 |
Cushman, Agnes, Psychic Picture of | 63 |
Cushman, Agnes, Normal Photograph of | 63 |
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, and Group, with Psychic Message from Archdeacon Colley | 14 |
East, Mr. and Mrs. H., with Psychic and Normal Pictures of Son | 47 |
Foulds, Mrs. R., with Psychic Photograph of Her Mother | 110 |
Foulds, Mrs. R., Normal Photograph of the Mother of | 110 |
Griere, Mrs. A. E., with Psychic Likeness of Husband and Father | 111 |
Griere, Mrs. A. E., Photograph of the Husband of | 111 |
Jeffrey, Mr. Wm., and Daughter, Showing Ectoplasmic Bag | 62 |
Jeffrey, Mr. Wm., and Daughter, with Psychic Likeness of Mrs. Jeffrey | 62 |
Maddocks, Mr. S., with Psychic Likeness of First Wife | 95 |
Maddocks, Mr. S., Normal Photograph of the First Wife of | 95 |
Pickup, Mrs., with Psychic Likeness of Husband | 126 |
Pickup, Mrs., Photograph of the Husband of | 126 |
S.S.S.P., Group Photograph with Psychic Face | 30 |
Spencer, Major R. E. E., with Psychic Face | 31 |
Tweedale, the Rev. C. L., and Wife, with Psychic Likeness of Mrs. Tweedale’s Father | 46 |
Tweedale, the Rev. C. L., Photograph of the Father-in-law of | 46 |
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, and Friends, with Psychic Likeness of Mr. Wm. Walker | 79 |
Walker, Mr. Wm., with Psychic Message in Handwriting of Mr. W. T. Stead | 79 |
Walker, Mr. Wm., Psychic Message in Handwriting of | 94 |
Walker, Mr. Wm., Specimen of Handwriting of | 94 |