Hush! a nation’s pulse stands still! Through it is flashed a thrill Of genuine grief! Grief for the Great and Good— Grief for the one who stood In strong relief, And half a century braved Opinion for the enslaved, To find his name engraved On Life’s clear leaf! A rustic child of ours, Who in Green Mountain bowers Was born to earth, Attained a giant life ’Mid scenes of bitter strife That prov’d his worth! And, dying, leaves behind him, In hearts that have enshrined him Affection’s links that bind him To every hearth! Let the solemn church bell toll For the passing of a soul To peaceful rest: Let tender tears be shed For the illust’rous dead Who’s hand we’ve prest! For hearts to-day are riven— A Light went out at even To glow anew in Heaven Among the Blest! —New York Evening Telegram. To THE TALENTED JOURNALIST AND COURTEOUS GENTLEMAN, WHOSE The Author. _ CONTENTS.
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