Author's Preface.


The author of this little volume, in presenting it for the amusement of the reader, and the criticism of his co-laborers on the press, feels it proper that he should state the circumstances of its production. While serving as a staff officer with Sherman’s army in North Carolina, often has he listened for hours to the recitals of adventures on the part of the Tar-Heel refugees from the pineries, who crowded our camps in search of food. Having studied with interest the habits and quaint dialect of this poor, but honest class, the author has created Major Jep Joslynn, and permitted him to weave some of these “Tales” into verse. The incident described in “The Buzzin’ Bees of Berks” were actually witnessed by him while on the advance of Hambright’s brigade of the Fourteenth corps, assisting in the prevention of pillage. Two or three of these Tales have been published in the press over Major Joslynn’s signature. With these explanations the author will take a back seat and request silence from pit to dome while the veracious Tar-Heel entertains you with his Vernacular Verses.


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