| PAGE | The Overture | 1 | The Overture Continued | 9 | The Overture Concluded | 24 | The Two Solos | 34 | In Britain’s Valhalla | 48 | Two Solos and a Duet | 71 | Keeping up Appearances | 88 | The Home-Coming | 100 | Laying a Course | 112 | Confessions | 128 | Concerning Mrs. Beeton | 146 | Mr. Samuel Pepys | 158 | A Visit to Mr. Samuel Pepys | 170 | Trouble | 185 | A Rescue | 204 | The Browning Society | 218 | An Investment | 236 | A Thundercloud | 251 | Danger | 269 | No. 5 Cheyne Row | 290 | The Last Note of the Duet | 311 | The Trio | 326 |