[See also Table of Contents, p. vii.]
nte, see Purification Immaculate Conception, see Mary, feasts of Innocent III, Pope, rules of, concerning vigils 74 f. Innocents, Holy, commemoration of 17, 19, 22, 33 ff. Irenaeus, letter of, to Victor of Rome 79, 110 Irish canons, collection of 85 f. Isapostolos 138 James, St, son of Zebedee, commemoration of 17, 34, 36, 64 f. James, St, the Lord’s brother, commemoration of 34, 36, 67. See also Philip and James James and John, SS., commemoration of 16, 33 f., 65 January, Kalends of, observed as a fast 38 f. Jerome, see Martyrologies (Hieronymian) John Baptist, St, commemoration of 17, 18, 21, 34; Conception of 53, 139; Nativity of 18, 68, 135, 139, 149; Decollation of 18, 69, 135, 139, (a fast) 91; Synaxis of 139, 140; East Syrian commemoration of 148; vigil of Nativity of 75 John, St, the Evangelist, commemoration of 17, 19, 22, 33 f., 65, 75, 136; before the Latin Gate 21, 66; Migration (or Assumption) of 34, 65, 136 Jude, St (Thaddaeus), commemorated in Greek Church 67 Kalendar, causes of growth of xii f., 95 ff.; antiquarian notices in 100, 102; artificial construction of xii; astronomical notes in 101; influences affecting 147, 148; origin of feasCAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. |