ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS. Edited by John Morley. (2)

Johnson Leslie Stephen.
Gibbon J. C. Morison.
Scott R. H. Hutton.
Shelley J. A. Symonds.
Hume T. H. Huxley.
Goldsmith William Black.
Defoe William Minto.
Burns J. C. Shairp.
Spenser R. W. Church.
Thackeray Anthony Trollope.
Burke John Morley.
Milton Mark Pattison.
Hawthorne Henry James, Jr.
Southey E. Dowden.
Chaucer A. W. Ward.
Bunyan J. A. Froude.
Cowper Goldwin Smith.
Pope Leslie Stephen.
Byron John Nichol.
Locke Thomas Fowler.
Wordsworth F. Myers.
Dryden G. Saintsbury.
Landor Sidney Colvin.
De Quincey David Masson.
Lamb Alfred Ainger.
Bentley R. C. Jebb.
Dickens A. W. Ward.
Gray E. W. Gosse.
Swift Leslie Stephen.
Sterne H. D. Traill.
Macaulay J. Cotter Morison.
Fielding Austin Dobson.
Sheridan Mrs. Oliphant.
Addison W. J. Courthope.
Bacon R. W. Church.
Coleridge H. D. Traill.
Sir Philip Sidney J. A. Symonds.

12mo, Cloth, 75 cents per volume.

Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.

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