The Wanderer (Sept. 1872) 1
The Fountain (Sept. 1873) 2
In the Galleries—
I. The Apollo Belvedere 5
II. The Venus of Melos 5
III. Antinous Crowned as Bacchus (Feb. 1873) 6
IV. Leonardo’s “Monna Lisa” (Dec. 1872) 7
V. St Luke Painting the Virgin (April 1872) 7
On the Heights (Feb. 1872) 9
“La RÉvÉlation par le DÉsert” (Feb. 1873) 13
The Morning Star (Aug. 1873) 19
A Child’s Noonday Sleep (Aug. 1872) 22
In the Garden—
I. The Garden (1867) 24
II. Visions (1866) 24
III. An Interior 25
IV. The Singer 26
V. A Summer Moon (1866) 26
VI. A Peach 27
VII. Early Autumn 28
VIII. Later Autumn 28
The Heroines (1873)—
Helena 33
Atalanta 36
Europa 44
Andromeda 47
Eurydice 52
By the Sea
I. The Assumption (Aug. 1872) 58
II. The Artist’s Waiting (Sept. 1872) 58
III. Counsellors (May 1872) 59
IV. Evening (July 1873) 60
V. Joy (May 1872) 60
VI. Ocean (May 1865) 61
VII. News for London 61
Among the Rocks (1873) 63
To a Year (Dec. 31, 1872) 66
A Song of the New Day (Sept. 1872) 67
Swallows (July 1873) 68
Memorials of Travel
I. Coaching (1867) 70
II. In a Mountain Pass (1867)


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