See Crow's Nest Restaurant, also The Arch of Jewels, New York City—Mr. Alcock's picture was made under similar conditions. Picturing New York with a camera after dark is perhaps one of the most interesting phases of pictorial photography. After spending several evenings prowling about for subjects that will lend themselves for night pictures you start out one evening to transfer these mental images to the plate. A little patience, endurance, and a great deal of enthusiasm will do wonders. It is not the easiest thing in the world to start out with an 8×10 view camera, a good substantial tripod, and several plate-holders. A strong tripod is absolutely necessary on account of winds, jars, vibrations, etc. To avoid halation use portrait film, take the view where there are no glaring lights, and develop with Azol. Judge your time according to the amount of light (two to ten minutes). Capping the lens each time a lighted moving vehicle comes along helps the picture. For night pictures probably the best medium is gum palladium, because it lends itself to the mellow evening lights. Sophie L. Lauffer. |