f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@43970@43970-h@43970-h-0.htm.html#Page_18" class="pginternal">18. Dillingham, John, 32. Dillingham, Sara, 35. Dillingham, Sarah, 32-35, 85. Diseases, 5, 7, 11, 105, 174-198. Doctors, 174-191. Dorchester, 19. Douglas, Dr. William, 175. Downing, Emanuel, 143. Downs, Thomas, 33. Dowse, Francis, 140. Drinks, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 30, 95, 96, 108, 118, 119, 151, 155, 208, 246-257. Draper, Richard, 129. Drunkenness, 107. Duck, Stephen, 138. Dudley, Thomas, 19, 105. Dug-outs, 17, 18. Dunster, Henry, 36. Dye, 94. Dyer, 128. Dyer, John H., 128. Earthenware, 129, 139. Edwards, Thomas, 88. Embroidery, 62, 70. Endecott, Gov. John, 5, 18, 56. Endecott, Dr. Zerobabel, 178-190. Erving, Henry W., 30. Essex, 24. Evenden, Walter, 139. Executions, 202, 210, 218, 220-224. Fabrics, see Cloth. Fairbanks house, 18. Fairfield, John, 86. Faneuil, A., 68. Farming, 91. Farrington, Edmond, 129. Fellmonger, 129. Fences, 100. Fire engine, 129, 131. Fireplace, 214. Schaw, Janet, 163-165. School, Boarding, 124. Sergeant, Peter, 24, 46. Servants, 8. Sewall, Hannah, 21. Sewall, Samuel, 21, 28, 63, 114. Sharp, ——, 19. Shipbuilding, 143, 148, 154. Ship owners, 157. Shipping and trade, 143-165. Ships, Passenger accommodations on, 7, 158-165. Shirley, Gov. William, 116. Shoemaker, 140. Shoes, 64, 66, 69, 94, 243. Short, Henry, 45. Shuffle-board, 110. Silver, 34, 36, 37, 43, 64, 87. Skelton, Rev. Samuel, 239. Skins, 253, 267. Sluyter, Peter, 13-15. Smibert, John, 49. Smith, Francis, 127. Smith, Samuel, 55. Smith, Simon, 137. Snow shoes, 68. Soap, 97. Soap boiler, 127. Society in Massachusetts, 107. Spinning, 94, 95. Sports and Games, 110-119. Starr, Daniel, 48. Stephens, William, 144. Stevens, Daniel, 68, 115. Stockings, 64, 67, 70. Stoves, 141. Surriage, Agnes, 25. Swan, Col. James, 47. Symmes, Thomas, 139. Symonds, Mrs. Rebecka, 61. Tailor, 141. Taverns, 110-112. Thacher, Oxenbridge, 125. Thacher, Rev. Peter, 141. Thatch, 19, 38. Thomas, Isaac, |