| CHAP. | PAGE | I. | Areas and Boundaries | 1 | II. | Mountains, Hills, and Plains | 8 | III. | Rivers | 32 | IV. | Geology and Mineral Resources | 50 | V. | Climate | 64 | VI. | Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees | 71 | VII. | Forests | 86 | VIII. | Beasts, Birds, Fishes, and Insects | 90 | IX. | The People: Numbers, Races, and Languages | 96 | X. | The People: Religions | 114 | XI. | The People: Education | 122 | XII. | Roads and Railways | 127 | XIII. | Canals | 132 | XIV. | Agriculture and Crops | 142 | XV. | Handicrafts and Manufactures | 152 | XVI. | Exports and Imports | 159 | XVII. | History: Pre-Muhammadan Period, 500 B.C.-1000 A.D. | 160 | XVIII. | History: Muhammadan Period, 1000 A.D.- 1764 A.D. | 168 | XIX. | History: Sikh Period, 1764 A.D.-1849 A.D. | 181 | XX. | History: British Period, 1849 A.D.-1913 A.D. | 188 | XXI. | Archaeology and Coins | 200 | XXII. | Administration: General | 212 | XXIII. | Administration: Local | 217 | XXIV. | Revenue and Expenditure | 219 | XXV. | PanjÁb Districts and Delhi | 224 | XXVI. | The PanjÁb Native States | 271 | XXVII. | The North-west Frontier Province | 291 | XXVIII. | KashmÍr and Jammu | 314 | XXIX. | Cities | 325 | XXX. | Other Places of Note | 347 | TABLES | I. | Tribes of PanjÁb including Native States and of N.W.F. Province | 359 | II. | Rainfall, Cultivation, Population, and Land Revenue | 360 | III. | Agricultural Diagrams | 362 | IV. | Crops | 364 | V. | Revenue and Expenditure of PanjÁb | 366 | | Index | 367 |