I. Areas and Boundaries 1
II. Mountains, Hills, and Plains 8
III. Rivers 32
IV. Geology and Mineral Resources 50
V. Climate 64
VI. Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees 71
VII. Forests 86
VIII. Beasts, Birds, Fishes, and Insects 90
IX. The People: Numbers, Races, and Languages 96
X. The People: Religions 114
XI. The People: Education 122
XII. Roads and Railways 127
XIII. Canals 132
XIV. Agriculture and Crops 142
XV. Handicrafts and Manufactures 152
XVI. Exports and Imports 159
XVII. History: Pre-Muhammadan Period, 500 B.C.-1000 A.D. 160
XVIII. History: Muhammadan Period, 1000 A.D.- 1764 A.D. 168
XIX. History: Sikh Period, 1764 A.D.-1849 A.D. 181
XX. History: British Period, 1849 A.D.-1913 A.D. 188
XXI. Archaeology and Coins 200
XXII. Administration: General 212
XXIII. Administration: Local 217
XXIV. Revenue and Expenditure 219
XXV. PanjÁb Districts and Delhi 224
XXVI. The PanjÁb Native States 271
XXVII. The North-west Frontier Province 291
XXVIII. KashmÍr and Jammu 314
XXIX. Cities 325
XXX. Other Places of Note 347
I. Tribes of PanjÁb including Native States and of N.W.F. Province 359
II. Rainfall, Cultivation, Population, and Land Revenue 360
III. Agricultural Diagrams 362
IV. Crops 364
V. Revenue and Expenditure of PanjÁb 366
Index 367


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